


HEIDENREICH HOLDING A/S is a provider of products and services such as pipes and tubes, steel,pipes and tubes - ferrous metal,baths, plastic,baths, acrylic,baths, hydro-massage (whirlpool), plastic,baths, hydro-massage (whirlpool), acrylic,washbasins, plastic,sinks, plastic,sinks and draining-boards, combined, plastic,sinks, synthetic, plastic and stone composites,bidets, plastic,urinals, plastic,toilets, plastic,toilets, plastic, self-disinfecting,chemical toilets, plastic,toilets, biological, plastic,toilets, personal, disposable,shower cabinets, plastic,steam shower units/cabinets, plastic,shower trays, plastic,toilets, plastic, electric,toilets, plastic, for motor coaches and trains,cisterns, flushing, components and fittings, plastic,traps, water, plastic,bath seals and trims, plastic,washstands, plastic.

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