
  • 408-B, BI Center, Daegu Catholic Univ.(Gyeongsan Campus), Hayang-eup, Gyeongsan-si
  • Gyeongsangbuk-do, 712-702
  • דר' קוריאה
  • תל:+82 53 8023392
  • פקס:+82 53 7413392
  • כתובת אתר:



Manufacture & Export of soap, natural soap, shampoo, rinse, body cleanser, body lotion, moisturizing cream, lotion, foam cleanser, Harua soap, natural soap Herb F&C is proving function of natural product extract from korean nature, producing soap, natural soap, shampoo ,rinse, body cleanser, body lotion, moisturizing cream, lotion, foam cleanser with functional extract from korean nature. also we are doing soap, and natural soap OEM production for our customer.

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