के लिए खोज परिणाम: तैयार और प्रसंस्कृत मछली
मिली 9337 कंपनियांसंबंधित श्रेणियों
We are DONG PHUONG Seafood Company - AFISHDEAL, established from 2007. We supply FISH and SEAFOOD from Vietnam, such as:
- मछली, क्रसटेशियन और मोलस्क के प्रसंस्करण और संरक्षण | झींगे | चिंराट | टूना | Tilapia | क्लैम | व्यंग्य | सीफ़ूड | डिब्ब...
- Can Tho
- वियतनाम
Preclinic is a high-tech company dedicated to the development and promotion of high-simulation medical models.Based on years of accumulation in clinical data, design plans, simulated human tissues... और पढ़ें »
- मछली स्थिर
- Shanghai
- चीन
Arbutus Ridge Farms Ltd. is an independent food company that produces more than 60 food products for retailers across British Columbia and Alberta. Established in 1997 on Vancouver Island in the... और पढ़ें »
- सेवाओं के प्रसंस्करण और संरक्षण सब्जी | समुद्री भोजन, सलाद | Pesto सॉस | Tzatziki सॉस | प्याज से सलाद | लाल राजमा से सला...
- Duncan
- कनाडा
Back in 1954, BlueWater Seafoods was founded in our home port of Quebec, because we were passionate about high quality, great-tasting seafood. Over the years, that passion has helped the BlueWater... और पढ़ें »
- जमे हुए मछली fillets | जमे हुए मछली स्टेक | समुद्री भोजन, गहरी जमी | मछली उंगलियों | सीफ़ूड | संसाधित चिंराट, | समुद्री ...
- Lachine
- कनाडा
Welcome to Canature Processing Ltd!
Located in British Columbia, Canada, Canature Processing Ltd. is a forward thinking company using top quality innovative technology. We utilize... और पढ़ें »
- तैयार पालतू खाद्य पदार्थों के निर्माण | भोजन के लिए सुखाने सेवाओं रुक | खाद्य ठंड सेवाएं | जमे हुए मछली | जमे हुए खाद्य ...
- Langley
- कनाडा
If you dined at virtually every high profile restaurant from B.C. to California; if you’ve shopped for seafood at almost any supermarket in B.C. or Alberta; if you have visited the bustling fish m... और पढ़ें »
- मछली और समुद्री भोजन के लिए पैकेजिंग सेवाओं | कस्तूरी | सामन | पका हुआ आलू | कस्तूरा | जमे हुए मछली | ट्यूना, ताजा या ठं...
- Richmond
- कनाडा
DUO SHENG INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD (former Jiang Sheng Co.) was founded in 1965, which is located in Taichung City , Taiwan . After almost 50 years of experience in seafood wholesaler and built an... और पढ़ें »
- झींगा मछलियों | पका हुआ आलू | समुद्री भोजन, गहरी जमी | सीफ़ूड | झींगा मछलियों, संसाधित | संसाधित झींगे, | पका हुआ आलू, स...
- Taichung
- ताइवान
Pacific Salmon Industries offers mail order and wholesale smoked salmon, shrimp and meal kit items. Brand names include Grande Gourmet, Gourmet Solutions and Sea Snack.
- हेरिंग | सामन | सीफ़ूड | स्मोक्ड सामन | मछली, ताजा या ठंडा | सामन, ताजा या ठंडा | चिंराट | थोक समुद्री भोजन | Seafoods |...
- Surrey
- कनाडा
We are based out of Prince Rupert BC. Fishermen upload right onto our dock. We have a fleet of trucks ready to load and ship large quantities away. Up to 200, 000 lbs of crab a day during peak... और पढ़ें »
- केकड़े | झींगे | केकड़ा | केकड़ा मांस | चिंराट | थोक समुद्री भोजन | निर्यातकों...
- Prince Rupert
- कनाडा
Amax seafood Ltd. Is a processor and distributor of fresh and frozen seafood. Built in 1973, our plant is located on the northern coast of British Columbia, Canada, and is adjacent to Southeast... और पढ़ें »
- केकड़े | सामन | हेक | सीफ़ूड | सामन, ताजा या ठंडा | , हेक ताजा या ठंडा | मछली और seafoods निर्माताओं | Seafoods | निर्या...
- Terrace
- कनाडा
Fanny Bay Oysters is a Canadian company farming shellfish on the coastline of British Columbia. Our shellfish products include fresh and IQF shucked Pacific oysters, live, banquet and IQF Pacific... और पढ़ें »
- मछली पकड़ने के लिए आकस्मिक सेवा | कस्तूरी | क्लैम | शंख उत्पादों | निर्यातकों | खाद्य सेवाओं की सेवा...
- Union Bay
- कनाडा
We are a family run business living off a sustainable resource in a rugged, beautiful part of British Columbia. Enjoy eating this healthy product from the cold inlets of the Central Coast. Please... और पढ़ें »
- सामन | स्मोक्ड सामन | सामन, ताजा या ठंडा | सामन स्टेक...
- Bella Coola
- कनाडा
Caviar Boutique is renowned for offering various sturgeons on the UAE market. We always aim to help people get their preferred caviar type in unlimited quantities within their budget. All our caviar... और पढ़ें »
- मछली के अंडे और मछली के अंडे | मछली के अंडे
- Dubai
- संयुक्त अरब अमीरात
E-Fish-Ent Fish Company Ltd. is a BC family owned and operated business, established in 1990, which operates a custom fish processing and retort pouch packaging facility. E-Fish-Ent Specialty... और पढ़ें »
- सीफ़ूड | स्मोक्ड सामन | सामन pates | खाद्य प्रोसेसर और निर्माताओं | Seafoods | डिब्बे में पैक सामन,...
- Sooke
- कनाडा
In 1995 in Delta, BC, T-Brothers Food & Trading Co. opened for business. The main service of T-Brothers, at that time, was to manufacture authentic Korean Kimchi. One of Korea's most... और पढ़ें »
- समुद्री शैवाल | समुद्री शैवाल, संसाधित | नूडल्स | Kimchi | कोरियाई भोजन | कोरियाई खाद्य पदार्थ...
- Coquitlam
- कनाडा
We are An My Fish Joint Stock Company (Website: www.anmyfish.com.vn) - one of leading Pangasius fillet processor and exporter in Viet Nam
An My fish company ensure quality management system... और पढ़ें »
- कार्प पट्टिका | Pangasius fillets
- Chọn quận/huyện của bạn
- वियतनाम
Xi’an Linhe Biotechnology Co.,Ltd. was established in 2008, is a collection of research and development, production, sales as one of the lyophilized fruit and vegetable manufacturing marketing. The c... और पढ़ें »
- सूखे मछली
- xian
- चीन
Cheena, meaning Silvery Salmon,the best of Salmon" in the Haida language was established in 1978 producing and supplying the tourist/gift industry and retail sector (including Vancouver... और पढ़ें »
- स्मोक्ड सामन | सामन स्टेक | थोक समुद्री भोजन | निर्यातकों...
- Vancouver
- कनाडा
Aristos Waterfront Bunbury is one of the most popular restaurants in Bunbury, where locals come to enjoy lunch or dinner in a beautiful setting overlooking the spectacular Koombana Bay. A fully... और पढ़ें »
- समुद्री खाद्य व्यंजन | समुद्री भोजन नाश्ता
- Perth
- ऑस्ट्रेलिया
Wild Sockeye Salmon Packages - Smoked. Taku Wild was formed by the TRTFN to enable the commercial sale of sustainably caught, specially packaged, organically flavored wild salmon products to benefit... और पढ़ें »
- मछली पकड़ने के लिए आकस्मिक सेवा | स्मोक्ड सामन | डिब्बे में पैक सामन,...
- Atlin
- कनाडा
Caught wild in the cold, clear waters off the West Coast of Canada, White Spirit Bear Smoked Salmon is a premium seafood treasure to enjoy. Starting with the highest quality of Wild Pacific Salmon,... और पढ़ें »
- स्मोक्ड सामन
- Vancouver
- कनाडा
From humble beginnings the Tasman star seafood brand has become a gold coast icon And destination.
The company was the culmination of a lifetime of experience and knowledge gained from within the... और पढ़ें »
- समुद्री खाद्य पदार्थ, जमे हुए तैयार
- Gold Coast, Varsity Lakes
- ऑस्ट्रेलिया