
  • str. A. Sciusev, 86
  • Chisinau, Chişinău, 2012
  • Moldova
  • Tel:+373 22 238196
  • Fax:+373 22 241080
  • Url:



Hilti is a provider of products and services such as bridges, heavy steel,bridges, light alloy,bridges, metal, suspension,bridges, metal, swing,bridges, metal, transporter,bridges, metal, bascule,bridges, metal, prefabricated unit,bridges, metal, pipe,bridges, metal, railway and road,footbridges, metal,utilities bridges, temporary, steel,walkways, suspended, catwalks, metal,trestle-work, metal,lock and sluice gates, metal,spillway gates, steel,flood barriers, metal, mobile,masts and pylons, steel,masts and pylons, light alloys,masts, metal, telescopic,masts and towers, metal, for communication systems,masts, metal, controlled triggering of avalanches,electric transmission line towers and electricity pylons, metal,poles, metal, for telephone and electricity power lines,cableway towers, metal,towers, floodlighting or aircraft beacon, metal,street standards, tramway and trolleybus, steel,wind generator towers, steel,stanchions and lattice stanchions, metal,bridge bearings, metal,arch centres, metal, for tunnels,expansion joints, metal, for roads and bridges,flooring sheets, metal, drawn, for bridges,roads and runways, portable, prefabricated metal,structural steelwork for hydroelectric plant,offshore structures, metal,steelwork, prefabricated, for ships,prefabricated superstructures, metal, for ships,pipe support systems, metal,avalanche barriers, metal,air raid shelter elements, metal,pipe racks, metal, for the petroleum industry,rock drills, mechanical, civil engineering,rock drills, power driven, civil engineering,drill rods, civil engineering,drilling and boring machines, civil engineering,drilling and boring machines, horizontal, civil engineering,drilling equipment, ground anchoring, civil engineering,supports, pneumatic, for hammer drills,earth boring machines (augers) and equipment, civil engineering,rock bits, rotary or percussion, civil engineering,diamond boring tools, civil engineering,core bits, rock, for civil engineering,hammers, power driven, for civil engineering,drop hammers, compressed air operated, for civil engineering,rammers, civil engineering,rock breakers, hydraulic, civil engineering,concrete breakers/road breakers, portable, civil engineering,pile and sheet piling driving and extraction equipment, civil engineering,frames, shaft sinking, for wells,caissons, metal, civil engineering,injection equipment, cement, civil engineering,well screens, drilling fluid treatment, civil engineering,boring bars, civil engineering,cable tool drilling equipment, civil engineering,deep vibrators for foundation engineering.

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