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Thai Nguyen-Tan Cuong tea Export Factory is a member unit under Hoang Binh Co, Ltd with its issued of business No 1712000003 by Thai Nguyen Department of Planning and Investment.

Our Factory skillful technical engineers and well-trained workers with a lot of experience in tea processing to produce safe, clean and high quality tea products. The Factory's tea products are processed from special quality tea materials by a perfect combination between modern machinery, Taiwan. . . And manual labour which are highly appreciated by customers in domestically and internationally.

The factory is situated in Thai Nguyen-Tan Cuong, the famous tea area of Vietnam. Because of perfect soil and climatological conditions for tea here. In this area, there is a long tradition of producing unique special tea products which no where having. With the guideline "Product's quality is the first"!

Thai Nguyen-Tan Cuong tea Export has continuously been striving to become one of the most leading producers and suppliers of tea in Viet Nam. /

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