• Yuren Rd. 112
  • Beitou District, Taibei, 112
  • טייוואן
  • תל:+886 228 93 22 15
  • פקס:+886 228 96 13 66
  • כתובת אתר:

דף הראשי


More than 100 toys are designed and mnufacturered in Hokai since 1881.We promise to provide our clients toys with the premium qualities. Our toys have innovative design and are fun to play. We are professional in making electrical toys and robot. Our Amazing robot have 8 motors inside to triger 12 actions and movements. We also expert on making preschool toys. Our preschool toys are fun and educational. Hokai focus on manufacturering excellent safty toys. We work with all known standards, like EN and ASTM, for manufacturing. Our toys are produced beyond our customer expectation.

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