
  • P.O. Box 5673
  • Lafayette, Indiana, 47903-56
  • মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র
  • টেলিফোন:1-765-420-7542
  • ফ্যাক্স:1-765-474-5272
  • ইউআরএল:

মুখ্য পৃষ্ঠা


One of the world's largest providers of video and audio based educational, instructional and how-to programs. We offer more than 5,000 products at retail, and have more than 1,000 available for wholesale sales to resellers/distributors.

Usual wholesale discount for quantity purchases is 50%, buyer is responsible for Shipping and Handling charges.

Programs include English as a Second Language; Mathematics; English; Science; Children's Learning; Infant Education; Musical Instruments; Business (US and International); Audiobooks; Teenage Issues; Volleyball and Golf; and many more.

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