• NUkannnai building 9F, 223-1, Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku,
  • Yokohama-Shi,, Kanagawa, 231-0023
  • Japon
  • Tél:81-45-2223252
  • Fax:81-45-2223253
  • Url:

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Our company "HONESTY CO.,LTD" is Located in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.

Our main business is wholesale and retailing of Convenience goods, Over 10,000 items lineup.

We are managing internet shopping sites "hakkutuclub" on the famous internet shopping mall "Rakuten Ichiba", "Yahoo Shopping" and "Estore" in Japan.

These sites assist us to understand consumer needs in japan, thus we will be able to suggest japanese hot items to you.


Conversely, please suggest us your hot items, so we can sell your items in japanese market.

We will value relationship of mutual trust,as our company name "HONESTY", please do long-lasting businesses with us.

Record of Awards

(1) Estore award 2010 autumn, special award ECnavi section "the first place"

(2) Estore award 2011 autumn, kitchen and general goods section "the first place"

Management principles

" We will value connections between people, and continue to send something important, in a global society. "

(1) we will continue to be a company, which respects for people, and values human relations permanently.

(2) We will give a first priority to customer's profits, and propose better products and services.

Messages from CEO

The spread of internet have accelated all speed of the world.

On the sale of goods industry, internet has developed dramatically, product development,purchase, sales, customer support.

I think that they succeeded in reducing the distance between the dealer like us and products, and between products and customers.

And then, I firmly beleive that the development will be advanced more and more day by day, from now on.

Regardless BtoB or BtoC, we will feel something familiar to cross-border gloval transactions.

But internet is nothing but a tool, nothing but a means produced by people.

Though it's the more superior means than ever, but it just can't solve anything.

Manufacture, sales, and purchase of goods...

One that use the means of Internet and select is ultimately people.

Discovery of goods that selected by customer and be useful in everyday life.

And with inproving service levels and logistics, we will deliver goods to customer as lower place and quickly as we can.

We think of this as our mission.

We will face customer each other honestly, and deliver goods with our whole heart.

I have named our company "HONESTY" with such thought.

Through the sale of goods, I and all the staff of my company will devote our life day after day, for that we will be helpful to customer's every life.

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