

Honmono Kenkyusho is a wholesale company that researches products and technologies that are people and earth-friendly and distributes the products uncovered and developed in that process which we deem to be worthy of the Honmono name through a nationwide network of stores.

Honmono products are currently distributed on behalf of Honmono Kenkyusho by about 700 stores throughout Japan, and that number increases every day.

It is crucial for us to increase the popularity of Honmono products in order to pass on a beautiful earth to the children of the future. By having more and more people use and experience products that are people and earth-friendly, we will further increase interest in health and the environment.

We uncover and develop people and earth-friendly products in cooperation with companies and research institutions based on all kinds of accumulated data. Moreover, since we have a system for jointly developing and commercializing Honmono products, we also provide consulting services on product development in general.

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