• Largo do Trovador, 26
  • Guimaraes, 4810 - 451
  • Portuqal
  • Tel:00351-253-088999
  • Faks:00351-253-088999
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HSK CONSULTING is an international trading company specialized in Energy Commodities.

All services are developed according the Quality Management System implemented in HSK CONSULTING, under NP EN ISO 9001:2008.

Our mission is to provide Biomass in the international industrial sector, generating wealth and contributing to the sustainable environment. To be a global reference in Bioenegy industry.

The main products/ commodities that we are providing are the following:


- Palm Kernel Shell (PKS)

- Wood Pellets

- Cotton Stalk Pellets

- Bagasse Sugar Pellets

- Rice Husk Pellets

- Wood Chips

- Olive Wood Chips

- Olive Cake

- Olive Stones/ Pits

- Almond Shell

Other products/ commodities are supplied through specific inquires.

Our main driver are INTEGRITY. When we feel that we transmit it to all the stakeholders and we feel it from the other side, than and ONLY than, formal cooperations and/ or partnerships are established.

We are definitively and strong convinced that, WORKABLE PRICES with SERIOUSITY and QUALITY - Products and Services - result in profits for all parts.

In this days, with the fast changes in the market, it is very hard to find the ideal Supplyer to the ideal Buyer. That is the reason of our existence, as a very dinamic team of traders/ advisers in HSK CONSULTING.

We visit the factories of our supplyers, the critical procedures are checked like informal auditories.

All our investements are with the same goal, to provide a real excellent service. We add/creat VALUE.

We are always actively looking to new possibilities of cooperations with Buyers and Suppliers. Also with reliable Trading Companies/ Brokers/Agents.

If you are searching for an Honest, Professioal and Qualified team, I strongly sugest you to contact us.


Hugo Bastos

Industrial Engineer and Biomass Trader


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