
  • 205 Zabeel Business Center
  • Dubai
  • 아랍에미리트 연합
  • 전화:971-4-3547770
  • 팩스:971-4-3547771
  • URL:

회사 소개


At Sabomeah86, we believe that marketing programs and events have the greatest impact, and best results, when they are designed target first. Our approach starts with the desired result, and then builds the campaign from there-it must be calculated, targeted and done with purpose.

Whatever skills you require:

Graphic design, scripting, animation, flash, Stall designing development, multimedia, streaming video, web designing development, we have the experience, resources and project skills to deliver.

비즈니스 데이터

사용할 수 없음

5 ~ 10명


우리의 위치