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  • KOLKATA, West Bengal, 700107
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Ração animal

1300 INR / Bolsas


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Descrição do produto

DDGS is a by-product of grain based distillery. In alcohol production, starch is fermented to obtain ethyl alcohol. The remaining components of the grain preserve much of the original nutritional value of the grain, including energy, protein, phosphorous. These nutritional components have conventionally been incorporated into animal feed. The feed is further enriched with amino acids and vitamins produced by the use of yeast in the process.

IFB Newgen DDGS™ has great potential value to lower cost in various animal feed rations. It has various benefits.

1) High protein 40–42%. High energy 3400–3800 Kcal/kg. High and favourable amino acids profile

2) Single feed raw material—broken rice

3) Phytic acid control in our DDGS increases digestibility

4) Low anti-nutritional factors

5) Fermentation contributes, 3-5% dried yeast cells to the DDGS, which provides Vitamin B complex, promote palatability and increase feed consumption

6) The phosphorus present in DDGS lowers the requirement of addition of di calcium phosphate and thus reduces cost of ration in the feed

7) Contains 7–8% fat which is an excellent source of linoleic acid and energy

8) Distillery process is free from the use of sulfuric acid, this makes the product inorganic Sulphur free and eliminates chances of nutritional problems in ruminant diets

9) Contains low moisture and is thus free from all pathogenic fungi, bacteria and salmonella

10) Longer shelf life