• 1590 N. Roberts Rd, Suite 201
    Hwy 41 & Old 41 Metro Area
  • Kennesaw, Georgia, 30144
  • الولايات المتحدة
  • هاتف:678-974-3231
  • فاكس:(855) 281-3445
  • موقع إلكتروني:



Established: 2008 in England; sold in 23 countries & 35,000 retail stores worldwide. 2011 Atlanta office/warehouse was established to serve the US market & establish retailer relationships. ECO-Pure liquids and refill cartridges are manufactured in our Bio-science lab at UMIC, using robotics with just 3 ingredients; ECOpure ingredients:Pharmaceutical Nicotine, Vegetable Glycerol & Water. NO Additives! Robotics are used to ensure consistency and high quality. Retailers/customers in US want a reliable product manufactured to a known standard and we deliver with a CoA for every batch. Labels include batch #, Manuf/Expir date for tracking and QC. The USA has seen substantial growth in E-Cigs & with Intellicig you can tell youir customers exactly what they are inhaling, why sell anything?

Intellicig offers the HIGHEST QUALITY / least harmful alternative to smoking. ECO-Pure liquids and cartridges are manufactured in our level8 lab using robotics, following GMP standards in England.

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