
  • Intercare Ltd, Ind Area 15,
  • Sharjah
  • Уједињени Арапски Емирати
  • ТЕЛ:971-6-5345500
  • Факс:971-6-5349991
  • Урл:

О нама


Holding for 9 different trading and manufacturing companies. Dealing in Building Care Products (Cleaning, Washroom Hygiene, Chemical sales) and Bulding Products (Hotel furnishings, floorings, expansion joint covers, powder and wet coatings and security systems) .

Two Chemical manufacturing units to produce detergents and related chemicals and aerosols: One in UAE, one in Egypt) .

Пословни подаци

Није доступно

Произвођач, Трговац на велико, Дистрибутер

101 - 200 људи


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