• Dusana Vukasovica 35/18
  • , 1107
  • סרביה
  • תל:+381 116 28 74 49
  • פקס:+381 116 28 75 41
  • כתובת אתר:



Intergroup Ltd is a leading serbian provider of professional conference audio-visual services and equipment. We offer conference sound systems, delegate microphones and conference systems, wireless microphones and microphone systems, equipment for simultaneous interpretation and interpreters booths, tour-guide equipment, LCD video wall, multimedial video projectors and projection screens for front and rear projection, lighting equipment, portable-stages and other PRO-AV equipment.

נתונים עסקיים

לא זמין

ספק שירות

5-10 אנשים


המיקום שלנו