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The company Cosmetic Hurt acts as a wholesaler of a wide range of household products, cleaning products, cosmetics, perfumery and foodstuff produced by leading manufacturers in these fields, such as :

ProcterGamble , Beiersdorf , SC Johnson , BIC, Henkel , Kimberly- Clark , Coty , Unilever , Cussons, SCA , Johnson Johnson , Reckitt Benckiser , Nestle, Nescafe, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Snickers, Kadbury, Dirol, Nutella, Haribo and the other ones.

We are parts of worldpol international holding: www.worldpol.com.pl

We import goods from Poland, Germany, USA, Russia and other countries, thanks to this fact we can offer to our Clients attractive prices and competitive terms that a

We always have for You in our warehouse a wide choice of the goods, but if You have a special inquiry, we also are ready to find on-the-fly the goods interesting for you at competitive prices.

We have a rich experience in spedition and customs organization of deliveries in Europe and Asia. Your goods will be packed, loaded, delivered to your warehouse and custom cleared, if necessary, without efforts from Your side.

The main priority of our activity is a high quality and efficiency of service offering to our Clients. For Your convenience we render service in the Polish, English , confirming every day the authenticity of our competence in the international business.

Team: Cosmetic Hurt

We also have distributing company in Opole which provides the goods to hair dresser

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