Leitarniðurstöður fyrir: Afskorin blóm
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Preferred skráningar tengdar: Afskorin blóm
European leader in the floricultural industry, Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico includes 17 companies founded in 1978 by Mario Margheriti. The seats are mainly located in the center and south of... Lesa meira »
- Ræktun annarra ávaxta sem vaxa á trjám eða runnum og rær | Sítrusávöxtum | Skógrækt Plöntur | Skógarplöntur | Plöntur - ...
- Ardea
- Ítalía
In 2000 staff from Sierra Flower Trading began collecting pictures in a database in order to organize all the incredible new varieties of flowers that were being introduced by our growers. It wasn’t l... Lesa meira »
- Brönugrös | Rósir | Alstromeria, skera | Asters, skera | Gladioli, skera | Brúðar slæður (gypsofilia), skera | Liljur, s...
- Montreal
- Kanada
Eco Systems is handled by a young, but experienced team of professionals fully committed to the task of meeting specific requirements of individual clients.
Over the years, Eco Systems Products... Lesa meira »
- Ferskt blóm skera | Coir mottur | Coir vörur | Coir reipi | Náttúrulyf og Botanical vörur | Coir trefjum
- Toronto
- Kanada
Favorite Montreal florist -- clove florist locates in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. A dependable florist has proudly served our customers for more than 25years. We have build our very good repuation and... Lesa meira »
- Plöntur - Græn | Blóm, skera | Ferskt blóm skera | Floral fyrirkomulag | Plant, blóm og þurrkuð blóm
- Montreal
- Kanada
Sky Florist Studio is a full service floral design boutique and our slogan is "Flowers for Your Special Occasions!". Our mission is to give our clients and their loved ones unforgettable... Lesa meira »
- Blóm | Brönugrös | Rósir | Brönugrös, skera | Rósir, skera | Afhending blóm og gjafir | Blómabúð | Verslanir blóm | Flor...
- Vancouver
- Kanada
Inversiones Bellaflor is located in Colombia, towards the northern region of Bogota, in the municipality of Tocancipa. This municipality is privileged by its climate, luminosity, geographic... Lesa meira »
- Rósir | Rósir, skera | Ferskt blóm skera
- Bogota
- Kólumbía
Emporio Home and Flowers, established in 2015 by Shelley Attanasio in Manly, Australia, offers a wide range of products to enhance customers' spaces. Initially a floral shop, it has expanded to... Lesa meira »
- Blóm, afhending | Blóm | Blóm, skera | Stofublóm | Home skraut | Gjafir og minjagripir, postulín | Gjafir og handverk | ...
- Manly
- Ástralía
Milele flowers is a fresh cut flowers company based in Kenya. our Main Office is located 5 km from JKIA enabling us to get access of quality checking the flowers before they are dispatched to the... Lesa meira »
- Afskorin blóm | Alstromeria, skera | Blóm, skera | Anthurium Flamingo blóm, skera | Kala, skera | Asters, skera | An...
- Doonholm
- Kenía
'Do you want to order flowers online for your loved ones this Valentine’s Day? Want to know the best place to buy plants online for office or home décor? For best affordable online flower de... Lesa meira »
- Blóm | Rósir | Blóm, skera | Rósir, skera | Gervi plöntur | Blómabúð | Verslanir blóm | Blómabúð, þjónustu | Florists, ó...
- Dubai
- Sameinuðu arabísku furstadæmin
Producing the finest range of Plastic Lollipop Stick, Food and Medicine containers and allied products
Know Us
Founded in 1993, Ninu Arts is a distinguished name in the arena of plastic moulds... Lesa meira »
- Ferskt blóm skera | Súkkulaði | Oolong te | Dekkapsler, plast | Alsír fjölmiðla | Nagli aðgát vörur | Eldur retardants, ...
- Rajkot
- Indland
“Flowers are the sweetest things that God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into.” - Henry Ward Beecher.
Flowers, epitomizing the most intricate and delicate of human emotions, reflect a sen... Lesa meira »
- Afskorin blóm | Blóm, skera | Gladioli, skera | Gerbera | Brúðar slæður (gypsofilia), skera | Liljur, skera | Chrys...
- Bangalore
- Indland
Floristic studio in the heart of the capital - the city of Chisinau.
Creation, sale and delivery of flowers, bouquets and flower arrangements.
Stylish bouquets in Chisinau. We set the trends in... Lesa meira »
- Blóm | Blóm fyrirkomulag | Blóm, skera | Búnaður blomsterbindere | Námskeið í floristry | Blómabúð | Blómabúð, þjónustu...
- Chisinau
- Moldóva
Mielas mūsų kliente,
Gėlė - ne daiktas. Tai gyvas grožis, kuris gali kalbėti. Ištiesk gėlę žmogui ir Jums nereikės žodžių.
Grožis – skonio reikalas. Mūsų užduotis Jus mieli klientai... Lesa meira »
- Blóm | Blóm fyrirkomulag | Afskorin blóm | Alstromeria, skera | Blóm, skera | Anthurium Flamingo blóm, skera | Kala, ske...
- Kaunas
- Litháen
In 1984 two Italian brothers and one Colombian started La Gaitana Farms with 4 hectares of greenhouses. The Bleier family bought a minority share in 1986. There was not enough water available, the... Lesa meira »
- Ferskt blóm skera
- Bogota
- Kólumbía
Dear sir/madam,
Greetings from U3Exports !!!
We are one of the leading exporters in south India. We are the manufacturer
of all types of 100% cotton house hold textiles such as table... Lesa meira »
- Landbúnaður vörur vinnslu | Ferskt blóm skera | Húsgögnum | Teppi | Leiga nær | Gluggatjöld | Vasaklút | Tilbúinn garn |...
- Ramanathapuram
- Indland
Growers & Exporters of Fresh Cut Foliages,Cut Flowers & Live Plants.
Green Goddess Private Ltd. is not just another plant exporting entity; it is a plant enthusiast’s paradise. P... Lesa meira »
- Skogsfrø, framleiðslu og val | Saplings, alltaf grænn tré | Saplings, barrtré | Saplings, skóglendi | Skraut tré | Bonsa...
- Imbulgoda
- Srí Lanka
Full-service florist creating custom bouquets, plant arrangements & gift baskets in Plano TX! Appletree Flowers works hard to craft outstanding floral arrangements and provide exceptional Wedding... Lesa meira »
- Ljósaperur | Blóm | Blóm, skera | Verslanir blóm
- Plano
- Bandaríkin
- Garðyrkju | Alstromeria, skera | Anthurium Flamingo blóm, skera | Kala, skera | Asters, skera | Anemones, skera | N...
- Vieux-Condé
- Frakkland
- Innkaupastjóri Agents, drykkir, gosdrykkir og bjór | Innkaupastjóri lyf, húsgögn og teppi | Innkaupastjóri Agents, leður...
- Chevilly Larue
- Frakkland
Peter en Marie-jose zijn dagelijks creatief actief als groenkunstenaars. Iets buiten het centrum van Eindhoven zijn we in sinds 1991 uitgegroeid tot een succesvol bedrijf. Samen met zes enthouistaste... Lesa meira »
- Afskorin blóm | Verslanir blóm | Blómabúð, þjónustu
- Eindhoven
- Niðurlönd