Leitarniðurstöður fyrir: Brúsa
Fundust 646 fyrirtækiTengdar flokkar
Preferred skráningar tengdar: Brúsa
MEGA Ltd. was established in 1996 r. and is a design and production company. The owners of this company are experienced engineering and technical workers that deal with machines and equipment... Lesa meira »
- Ávaxtasafa Pressur, iðnaðar | Apple vinna vélar, iðnaðar | Vaxandi vél fyrir ávöxtum, iðnaðar | Oppsponingsmaskiner til ...
- Bełżyce
- Pólland
Artypac Automation designs and manufactures easy-to-use packaging machinery such as vertical-form-fill-seal machines, horizontal flow wrappers, tamper evident machines, auger fillers and volumetric... Lesa meira »
- Skömmtun, fylla og pökkun véla fyrir hylkjum | Umbúðir véla fyrir mjólkurvörum | Umbúðir vél | Tómarúm pökkun vél | Vega...
- Laval
- Kanada
Henan Shengmao Machinery Co., Ltd., founded in 2001, located in Xingyang, Zhengzhou, Henan. Mainly engaged in the development, production and sales of construction machinery. It covers an area of... Lesa meira »
- Forsmíðaðar byggingar og byggja hluti | Malbik blöndunartæki | Hluti búnaðar fyrir ofna | Steypu dælur
- Zhengzhou
- Kína
Hopewell is committed to providing high quality and cost-effective silicone injection molds, plastic injection molds, custom silicone injection products and plastic injection products to customers... Lesa meira »
- Kísill gúmmí | Útvega búnað fyrir vökva, rannsóknarstofu | Flaska húfur, mótað plast | Innspýting mótað fullunnar plasti...
- Dongguan
- Kína
Construction and manufacture of belt, metallic deck, roller and worm screw conveyors, bucket and runner elevators; industrial plant installation services, sheet metal working, carpentry, construction... Lesa meira »
- Samgöngur keðjur | Bakarí innréttingum og fylgihlutir | Hnoðið og blöndun vélar og búnaður til framleiðslu pasta | Rolli...
- San Giovanni
- Ítalía
PROMINOX S.A is one of the largest stainless steel and special steel boilermakers. The group has more than 650 employees across the world working for it in boilermaking, research and development, and... Lesa meira »
- Átöppun af ediki í flöskum | Blanda af mat, iðnaðar | Átöppun á olíu til manneldis | Undirbúningur og tómarúm pökkun mat...
- Casablanca
- Marokkó
Gai manufactures machines for bottling quality wines. The company provides "monobloc" machines that carry out different functions from a single base. Monoblocs are the easiest machines to... Lesa meira »
- Tappar og húfur, plast | Merking vélar | Vín-gerð, heill | Sýnatöku búnað fyrir vínber, Sjálfvirk víngerðar | Grape remo...
- Cappelli
- Ítalía
Manufacturer Exporters of Laboratory and Scientific Instruments Apparatuses from the past 30 years we are known in the Industry for the Quality of our products. Instruments Apparatuses are made... Lesa meira »
- Windows, rafræn | Saga vír, demantur tilbúinn | Æfinga, demantur snyrtir | Kjerneborere, demantur gegndreypt | Gri...
- Ambala Cantt
- Indland
Import and distribution of single-use and NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) protective wear), MICROTEX garments for chemical protection, MICROTEX PLUS garments for biological protection, JACKTEX... Lesa meira »
- Reglugerð um hjálpartækjum skófatnaði | Innflytjendur og útflytjendur, lyfja og lækningatækja | Innréttingu, geymslu og ...
- Sarmato
- Ítalía
Industrial marking machinery. Impact marking. Pressure marking. Roller marking. Laser marking. Dot marking. Profont and stripe marking. Traceability. Datamatrix codes. We are manufacturers with... Lesa meira »
- Rafmagns Stofnanir Uppsetning með eigin áætlanagerð deild | Raforkuframleiðslu og dreifingu iðnaður | Virkjana til framl...
- Hernani
- Spánn
Turnkey Projects
The company undertakes Dairy Projects from 2000 Litres per Day (LPD) to 1, 00, 000 LPD on a Turnkey basis. Projects for manufacturing of Ice-Cream, Butter, Cheese, Ghee and Yogurt... Lesa meira »
- Cream þroska Skriðdrekar og vinnslu einingar | Cream kælir fyrir iðnað mjólkurframleiðslu | Fløtesyringsutstyr til iðnað...
- Thane
- Indland
Manufacturers and Exporters of Pharmaceutical Machineries. Our multitude of products include Pharmaceutical Machinery, Tablet Press Machine, Rotary Tablet Press Machine, Fluid Bed Dryer, Tray drier,... Lesa meira »
- Framleiðsla álversins og búnað fyrir matvælaiðnað, ót.a. | Extruders, lyfja-og snyrtivörur atvinnugreinum | Olíu vinnslu...
- Mumbai
- Indland
We are a company specialising in design and manufacture of embedded controls. Our strength is a a team of employees who are technically qualified, committed and highly motivated.
Our current... Lesa meira »
- Rafeindabúnaður | Textíl hlutar vélar | Sjálfsalar fyrir þvottaefni | Sjálfsalar fyrir geisladiska, hljómflutnings-og ví...
- Chennai
- Indland
The company formed in the year 1976 as a-class ancillary suppliers diversified into the field of packaging by the name of Raksha Packaging in the year 1994.
The growth in packaging industry is far... Lesa meira »
- Flutninga kassa, plast, til afhendingar pizzu | Film, plast, fyrir matvæli | Töskur, plast, til matar | Ílát, sameina, a...
- Faridabad
- Indland
Haicheng City Simu Talc Powder Factory is a comprehensive entity enterprise which integrates mining, beneficiating, machining, and international trade. Our factory is located in Haicheng which is... Lesa meira »
- Lintels og glugga syllur, keramik, kristal eða leir | Dekk steinn, leir, terracotta og faience | Göturæsi Varahlutir, tr...
- Haicheng
- Kína
Shenzhen Lihao Machine Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional machine manufacturer, integrating design, production, sale, service and trading as a whole system. Lihao machine company mainly produces... Lesa meira »
- Nærast og timbri, á Rolling Mills | Rétta og klippa véla fyrir málm | Avrullere eða vélar fyrir efni umbúðir | Coiling v...
- Shenzhen
- Kína
S.A. Moldagrotehnica was established in 1944 and it is a leading company in manufacturing of agricultural equipment and parts for agricultural equipment. For last years Moldagrotehnica S.A. has... Lesa meira »
- Smjörlíki | Fitu, grænmeti, ætur | Fat, herti, ætur | Smjörlíki, borð smjörlíki | Smjörlíki, fljótandi | Fat, mjólk fitu...
- Balti
- Moldóva
Dongguan ERS Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of "ERS" sponge machinery. Our products adopt advanced technology, integrating our industry experience to get the unique... Lesa meira »
- Klór rafala fyrir sundlaugar | Gras og halmskjærere, fyrir meðferð kvoða | Aðrar textíl vélar | Volfemaskiner, klút fyri...
- Dongguan
- Kína
Manufacturer And Exporter of Plate & Frame type Filter Press (20cm * 20cm), (40cm * 40cm), (60cm * 60cm) Horizontal both in Stainless Steel & Polypropylene, Tunnel Washers both for... Lesa meira »
- Vélar lyf | Smurefni véla fyrir línum átöppun | Mateanordninger fyrir bakkanum pökkun Sjálfvirk | Air Púði, umbúðum | Ve...
- Thane
- Indland
UFLEX Group is an established global leader in manufacturing and exporting of flexible packaging, printing and converting machines in India. With over two decades of dynamic existence, experience... Lesa meira »
- Avrullere eða vélar fyrir efni umbúðir | Banding, plast gjörvulegur eða borði | Banding, málmur band | Ombindi...
- Noida
- Indland
Kwality Engineering Corporation is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified engineering unit one of the leading fabricators of stainless steel pressure vessels and tanks. We have expertise in manufacturing... Lesa meira »
- Verksmiðjur fyrir málverk, ljúka | Pigmentknusere | Rip Mills fyrir málningu | Blöndun Equipment fyrir málningu og lökk ...
- Thane
- Indland
Manufacturers & Exporters of Track Press, Track Pin Press, Hydraulic Track Press, Double Ram Track Press, Twin Ram Track Press, Portable Track Press, Portable Track Pin Press, Hydraulic... Lesa meira »
- Vín-gerð, heill | Sýnatöku búnað fyrir vínber, Sjálfvirk víngerðar | Grape removers stafa, til víngerðar | Grape compact...
- Kolkata
- Indland
G.D is the world's leading cigarette production and packaging machinery constructor. Its vast array of solutions makes G.D. the only company in a position to offer complete high-speed lines.
- Raka vélar, fyrir skófatnað | Kælingu skera tóbak | Þétta, framleiðslu iðnaðar olíu og fitu | Sígarettu verksmiðju, heil...
- Bologna
- Ítalía
Walusa Ingénierie, Alsace company situated just a few kilometers from Mulhouse, has been designing and making industrial facilities for processing air, surfaces and energy management since 1991. We ... Lesa meira »
- Fans iðnaðar | Loft hitari, úrgangur hita hlaupa fyrir þurrka | Gufubað (ekki rafmagns) | Endurvinnsla Búnaður fyrir veg...
- Bruebach
- Frakkland
Laser Lab India is India's leading and pioneer laser company deals in to laser systems, services, software, accessories and spares. Our expertise lies in excellent quality of laser machines,... Lesa meira »
- Merkingar Vélar | Rewinder fyrir flokka, fyrir prentara | Merking Systems, tölvustýrða, fyrir bretti | Merking vélar, ha...
- Delhi
- Indland
Unidoz is a leading manufacturer from Easter Europe specialized in design and production of chemical proportioners, foamers, sprayers and satellites for centralized systems for industrial cleaning.... Lesa meira »
- Hreinsun búnaðar | Þrif kerfi, neikvæð þrýstingur, flytjanlegur | Skömmtun búnað fyrir vökva, rúmmál | Afgreiðslu búnað,...
- Warszawa
- Pólland