Leitarniðurstöður fyrir: Gagnakerfi, hönnuðir
Fundust 5 fyrirtækiPreferred skráningar tengdar: Gagnakerfi, hönnuðir
RadixWeb is an offshore outsourcing software development services provider company powered by a passion to invent an eternal commitment to advance the way the world wants. We offerings span software... Lesa meira »
- Upplýsingatækni kröfur endurskoðun þjónusta | System gæðatrygging mat og endurskoðun þjónustu | Kerfi hugbúnaður staðfes...
- Ahmedabd
- Indland
Authornate is a leading Software solutions company staffed by a team of skilled professionals in Web Development Applications, AI Software Development, Digital Marketing Growth and Creative Designs.... Lesa meira »
- Business Analysis ráðgjöf | Upplýsingatækni kröfur endurskoðun þjónusta | Kerfi hugbúnaður staðfestingu próf ráðgjöf | K...
- Islamabad
- Pakistan
Higgsup is a software company in Vietnam. We provide outsourcing services, software development, web app and mobile app at a very competitive price. Please contact us at [email protected]
- Business Analysis ráðgjöf | Hugbúnaður sameining ráðgjöf | Kerfi og tæknileg ráðgjöf | Forritun þjónustu | Samningur ker...
- Hanoi
- Víetnam
Business Intelligence (BI) Consulting is a premier advisory firm specializing in transforming data into actionable insights. We empower organizations to make informed decisions through cutting-edge... Lesa meira »
- Business Analysis ráðgjöf | Hönnun-líkan þjónusta | Samningur kerfi greiningu og forritun þjónusta | Tæknilega ráðgjafar...
- Bucharest
- Rúmenía