Leitarniðurstöður fyrir: Gúmmí
Fundust 2602 fyrirtækiTengdar flokkar
Our company supplies different kinds of motorcycle tires, heavy trucks tyres, light trucks tires, agricultural tires, OTR tires, rubber wheel, inner tubes and wheel barrow. High quality and favaroble... Lesa meira »
- Framleiðsla á gúmmíhjólbörðum og hjólbarðaslöngum, gúmmí dekk, Sólun notaðra hjólbarða | Mótorhjól dekk | Hjólbarðar fyr...
- Qingdao
- Kína
"DIF" is a private company founded in 1990, specialising in manufacture of rubber and silicone goods. We cooperate with the best manufacturers of rubber compounds.
- Selir | Festingar, pípa, rör og slöngur | Rubber - vörur | Rubber - vörur fyrir vélknúin ökutæki og samgöngur | Tappar o...
- Podkowa Lesna
- Pólland
GIVING SHAPE TO YOUR IDEAS! Globalchimica, a company with over 50 years of experience in the chemical sector, is involved in the production of new lines of silicone and polyurethane elastomers for... Lesa meira »
- Plastefni | Önnur gúmmí hráefni | Rubber - vörur fyrir byggingariðnaði | Mót | Resín
- Via Volpiano
- Ítalía
Aquatechnik manufactures and distributes systems for bathroom, heating, air conditioning and compressed air systems for civil and industrial facilities. Extrusion and injection moulding techniques.... Lesa meira »
- Upphitun og loftkæling - virkar | Gas innréttingar | Leiðslur og pípur, gúmmí og plast | Festingar, pípa, rör og slöngur...
- Magnago
- Ítalía
Located in Wujin District of Changzhou City in Jiangsu Province, set up in the year of 1984, Changzhou City Guoyu Environmental Science and Technology Limited Company is a share-stock enterprise... Lesa meira »
- Gúmmí, xanthan | Íblöndunarefni fyrir mat og drykk
- Changzhou
- Kína
Uxem has been a subcontractor of flexible foams since 1975. In our extended production-facility of 5000m2, we manufacture and apply technical foam parts. Our assortment consists of: polyurethane... Lesa meira »
- Stigar, reipi | Salernispappír | Servíettur, vasaklútar og andliti vefjum, sellulósa efni | Salernispappír, vætt | Pappí...
- Lelystad
- Niðurlönd
COMETALBA, manufacturer of machines distributed all over the world. Storage, additive and raw materials dosing. COMET CHIMICA produces tanks for polyol, isocyanate, pentane, catalysts, glycol,... Lesa meira »
- Hola veggi - einangrunar efni | Hiti einangrunarefni Efni | Rubber - vörur fyrir vélknúin ökutæki og samgöngur | Froðu...
- Ítalía
CARPENTER is your leading manufacturer of comfort cushioning in the world. We manufacture a wide variety of polyurethane foam and polyester fiber comfort cushioning and often develop unique products... Lesa meira »
- Froða gúmmí | Froður, gúmmí og plast | Flat Glass, lágt geislun hæfileiki | Gler, flatt, skotheldu | Fljóta gler Plant |...
- Højbjerg
- Danmörk
- Slöngur, gúmmí, til áveitu | Slöngur, gúmmí, fyrir garðrækt og landbúnaði | Slöngur, gúmmí, fyrir afrennsli | Slöngur, g...
- Bad Soden-Salmünster
- Þýskaland
- Cleavage og slotting af nautgripum og hestelær | Refur á leðri | Leður Trade, naut og hest | Undirbúningur nautakjöti og...
- Kölln-Reisiek
- Þýskaland
- Gúmmí, lykt-og bragð-frjáls | Gúmmí, fljótandi | Gúmmí fyrir skófatnað | Gúmmí Lausnir fyrir áklæði | Gúmmí vörum fyrir ...
- Berlin
- Þýskaland
- Skurður líma fyrir ryðfríu stáli byggt á syntetískum smurefni | Kælimiðla | Gervi ís | Rubber - umbreyting í hálf-lokið ...
- Gisors
- Frakkland
- Blöð úr vúlkaníseruðu gúmmíi | Gúmmí Sambönd | Blöð, gúmmí, leiðandi, antistatic | Blöð, gúmmí, höggdeyfing | Titringur ...
- Kreisfreie Stadt Aachen
- Þýskaland
/Działalność (j.angielski): The SKF Economos Group is theglobal leader for standard and custom engineered sealing solutions, which supplies all segments of industry. It specialises in supplying cu... Lesa meira »
- Froður, gúmmí og plast | Vista, plast | Plain legur, plast | Vista, plastefni, olíu-fyllt | Vista, plast, grafít fyllt |...
- Katowice
- Pólland
- Roofing, allt efni | Brick Roofing | Roofing, iðnaðar | Vegg klæðningar, utan | Vapor Power, ráðgjafar | Gas Storage, rá...
- Maintenon
- Frakkland
- Rubber - vörur fyrir vélknúin ökutæki og samgöngur | Rubber - vörur fyrir byggingariðnaði | Froða gúmmí | Hreinsa umboðs...
- Aarhus
- Danmörk
Designer & supplier of formwork, shoring, access and safety temporary works solutions, on a hire or sale basis, to the building and civil engineering market.
- Upphitun Tæki (leiga) | Forklifts (leiga) | Lyftur og færibönd (leiga) | Lyfting Pallur (leiga) | Lyfting búnaður og fyl...
- Walsall
- Bretland
Nature of business Premier Sealant Systems Limited and Premier Adhesive Systems Limited. Manufacturers of profiled foam fillers, foam sealants, butyl sealants.
- Roofing, allt efni | Brick Roofing | Roofing, iðnaðar | Vegg klæðningar, utan | Einangrun bygginga gegn innstreymi gru...
- Scunthorpe
- Bretland
- Ætingu titla, helgihaldi plata, regalia og nameplates | Leturgröftur á titla,, regalia eðlis disk og nameplates | Sig...
- Annemasse
- Frakkland
Agents for Products Copely Developments. Bostik. As an alternative to cut specific shapes. AK Rubber offers Sealing Materials in rolls or cut sheets as required. Our available range of Rubber Matting... Lesa meira »
- Rubber - vörur | Töskur, gúmmí, fóðrun | Töskur, gúmmí, veneering | Töskur, gúmmí, steypu steypu | Töskur, gúmmí, til is...
- Beccles
- Bretland
- Gúmmí og plast | Gúmmí vörum fyrir vernd gegn raf-og útvarpsbylgjum truflunum | Gúmmí vörur fyrir vélknúin iðnaður | Gúm...
- Argenteuil
- Frakkland
ISOGAINE, a French manufacturer with 60 years’ experience, is the plastic extrusion specialist. We will guide you on the design and production of your various extruded plastic products; extruded p... Lesa meira »
- Cable vöru | Pípur og rör, plast | Extrusion gúmmí og plast | Snið plast
- Saint-Ouen
- Frakkland
Extrusion of plastics. Stretch, shrink sleeves. Shrinkwrap and other films. Dry cleaners' slip covers. Industrial/refuse bags. Plain or printed industrial, agricultural bags with or without... Lesa meira »
- Plastics - iðnaðar hráefni | Plastics - hálf-lokið vörur | Extrusion gúmmí og plast | Kvikmyndir og blöð, plast | Plast ...
- Sainte Sigolène
- Frakkland
Transformation of rubber and plastics. Elastic bands for use in textiles / medical hygiene / industry. Signalling / protection of structures and sub-surface utility networks. Coating, lamination on... Lesa meira »
- Rubber - læknisfræði greinar | Teygjanlegt hljómsveitir
- Schramberg
- Frakkland
Etl international sells rigid and elastic woven ribbons, rigid and elastic Jacquard ribbons, fabric labels, woven and printed price labels, Jacquard fabrics, printing and many other textile solutions... Lesa meira »
- Dúkur | Verð og merki - Fatnaður | Teygjanlegt hljómsveitir | Borðar og reipi
- Ascoli Piceno
- Ítalía