Leitarniðurstöður fyrir: Kopar greinar og hluti
Fundust 109 fyrirtækiTengdar flokkar
Preferred skráningar tengdar: Kopar greinar og hluti
We offer precision CNC engineering services. With sliding head multi-axis CNC lathes (Star, Citizen, Tsugami), we are capable of machining precision complex parts requiring turning, milling,... Lesa meira »
- Vélrænni aukabúnaður og hlutar vinnslu | Almennar Vélrænn Hluti vinnslu þjónustu | Framleiðslu og vinnslu Vélar Varahlut...
- Taicang
- Kína
Heachang distribution digs manufacture of domestic special product or bright prospect medium and small enterprises and supplying to overseas superior buyer.
Our business includes export, import,... Lesa meira »
- Kopar og koparblendi | Annað málmgrýti | Sink | Kopar | Nikkel | Palladíum | kopar | Málmur, steinefni
- Kyoungju-City
- Suður-Kórea
Orjinal Metal is the leading producer of semi-finished products as brass billet, brass rods and brass profiles made of copper and copper alloys in Turkey since 1970. The plant has 24.0000 m2 closed... Lesa meira »
- kopar | Kopar vörur | Brass vörur framleiðendur | Kopar og kopar ál pípa og hólkur
- istanbul
- Tyrkland
Shakti Engineers is a leading enterprise that deals as a manufacturer, exporter and supplier of Geared motors, Rotary Vibrators, etc. to meet the varied requirements of industries where material... Lesa meira »
- Innflytjendur og útflytjendur, landbúnaðarvélar, varahlutir | Skoðun á heisanordninger á síðuna | Electric Motors | Nota...
- Mumbai
- Indland
AGC CHEMICAL is a leading company in the field of sourcing and supplying of various absorbents such as Zeolite Molecular Sieve, Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS), Activated Alumina, Activated Alumina... Lesa meira »
- Suðu | Raforkuframleiðslu og dreifingu iðnaður | Moisture Einangrun | Leggja gólf | Málverk - verktakar | Byggingu þjónu...
- Delhi
- Indland
Non ferrous scrap metal bought and sold: scrap stainless steel and light alloys, cables, scrap copper, brass radiators, scrap bronze, zamak, zinc, aluminium, lead, waste products from the galvanising... Lesa meira »
- Kopar og koparblendi | Brons | Hrá | kopar | Blý og málmblöndur | Sink og sink málmblöndur | Málmar - endurheimt og endu...
- Genoa
- Ítalía
Since 2010, we "Flochem Pumps & Engineers" have been offering high end Industrial Centrifugal Pump. Today, we are counted among the key Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters of... Lesa meira »
- Suðu | Raforkuframleiðslu og dreifingu iðnaður | Moisture Einangrun | Leggja gólf | Málverk - verktakar | Byggingu þjónu...
- Ahmedabad
- Indland
About Xuzhou New Hitech Silica Materials Co., Ltd Our specialty lies in our ability to manufacture and export a comprehensive assortment of Fused Silica as well as Crystal Silica materials in China.... Lesa meira »
- Suðu | Raforkuframleiðslu og dreifingu iðnaður | Moisture Einangrun | Leggja gólf | Málverk - verktakar | Byggingu þjónu...
- Xinyi
- Kína
An ISO 9001:2008 certified entity specializing in switches and other home electrical accessories. Guided by highest order of innovation and quality, we, Milltec Industries, have emerged as a ... Lesa meira »
- Suðu | Raforkuframleiðslu og dreifingu iðnaður | Moisture Einangrun | Leggja gólf | Málverk - verktakar | Byggingu þjónu...
- Mumbai
- Indland
Steel supplier,specialised in high strength and abrasion restant steel plates, autogenic,plasma and laser cut.
- Endurvinnsla á gleri | Pólýetýlen terephthalate (PET) | Pólýester byggir plasti | Pólytetraflúoretylen (ptfe) | Pólývín...
- Leiderdorp
- Niðurlönd
GS-JJ is affiliated to one of the largest manufacturers of promotional gifts merchandise in China, whose mission is offer their customers the best quality products at highly competitive prices and... Lesa meira »
- kopar
- Walnut
- Bandaríkin
- Pípur og rör, tin | Leiðslur og pípur úr áli | Pípur og rör, kopar | Pípur og rör, non-járn, pressuðu | Vír og slöngur, ...
- Reinach
- Sviss
- Hráefni fyrir byggingu og opinberar framkvæmdir | Krommalmer og steinefni | Cobalt málmgrýti og steinefni | Ferro Man...
- Paris
- Frakkland
- Kopar | Brons | Króms | Kóbalt | Kadmíum | Antímon | Nikkel mangan ál sílikon málmblöndur | Nikkel járn málmblöndur / pe...
- Norresundby
- Danmörk
Importers and Exporters of Non-Ferrous Metals, Brass Scrap, Copper scrap, Aluminium, Zinc.
- Verkfæri fyrir bygginga | Skófatnaður, kvenna skór | Skór | Electric Motors | Kopar | Brons | Króms | Kóbalt | Kadmíum |...
- Chennai
- Indland
Importers & Exporters of Socket Head Cap Screws, Socket Set Screws and Exporters of Mild Steel Bolt Screws, Nuts, Bolts and Washers; Metal (trade) and Other Fasteners, Fixing Devices and... Lesa meira »
- Kopar | Brons | Króms | Kóbalt | Kadmíum | Antímon | Nikkel mangan ál sílikon málmblöndur | Nikkel járn málmblöndur / pe...
- New Delhi
- Indland
Exporters and Importers of Nickel Alloy, Cupro-Nickel, Inconel, Monel, Incol, Hastelloy, Titanium, Brass, Copper & Beryllium Copper, Nimonic, Nichrome, Alloy-20, Aluminium Alloy, Phosphorus... Lesa meira »
- Pípur og rör, stál | Ryðfrítt rör stál | Hlutar viðgerðir rafhreyfla, rafala og spennubreyta | Kopar | Brons | Króms | K...
- Mumbai
- Indland
We offer the Technologies, Expertise, Integration, and Education needed to create electrically correct Deep-Submicron (DSM) SoCs on first ilicon.
- Uppsprettur, stimpla hringur | Uppsprettur, fyrir vevsyller | Uppsprettur, loki, mótor | Uppsprettur, fyrir lokar ...
- New Delhi
- Indland
It gives us immense pleasure to introduce ourselves as Reino Group, an eminent service provider of ISO Consultants, ISO Certification Consultants, Copyright Registration, Company Formation... Lesa meira »
- Suðu | Raforkuframleiðslu og dreifingu iðnaður | Moisture Einangrun | Leggja gólf | Málverk - verktakar | Byggingu þjónu...
- Hooghly
- Indland
About Metal Craft Flexibles We are manufacturer, supplier and trader of a comprehensive assortment of Tractor Attachments. These attachments include Loader, Tractor Loader, Front End Tractor Loader,... Lesa meira »
- Suðu | Raforkuframleiðslu og dreifingu iðnaður | Moisture Einangrun | Leggja gólf | Málverk - verktakar | Byggingu þjónu...
- Alwar
- Indland
Vision Enterprises is Manufacturer & Supplier of Brass Components, Brass Anchors, Brass Neutral Link, Brass Precision-Parts, Brass Electrical Parts, Brass Rivets, Brass Screw Nut And Bolts, Brass... Lesa meira »
- Festingar | Málm hluti, iðnaðar | Járn og non-járn málmur | Brass Hluti
- Dared
- Indland
Moval makes small parts in hot-forged brass from customers' drawings and machines them on transfer machines. Hot forged and machined brass. Forty years' experience in the brass valves and... Lesa meira »
- Stimplun stál og málma | kopar
- Calcinato
- Ítalía
- Ál | Snið málmum | Pípur og rör, tin | Leiðslur og pípur úr áli | Pípur og rör, kopar | Pípur og rör, non-járn, pressuðu...
- Liesberg
- Sviss
Maris ecology and agriculture was founded in 1999. We are one of the largest distributors of raw materials in Croatia. We are present also in the wider area of Europe, as well as in countries of... Lesa meira »
- Ál og ál málmblöndur | Stál | Aðrar málmur rusl | kopar
- Šibenik
- Króatía