Leitarniðurstöður fyrir: Snið plast
Fundust 378 fyrirtækiPreferred skráningar tengdar: Snið plast
Henan Senfeiyi Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd., in order to meet market demands, and greet The new wave of International market . Our company developed and produced various kinds of Polyethylene... Lesa meira »
- Pípur, plast, skólp | Pípur, plast, til ræsi | Pípur, plast, til iðnaðar afrennsli | Snið, pólýetýlen (PE) | Stengur, st...
- Anyang
- Kína
Special, thermoplastic and cross-linkable compounds that are fire retardant and halogen free. Special polymers for reactive processes. Elastic components resistant to wear, climate conditions,... Lesa meira »
- Rafmagnsframleiðsla | Sólarorku framleiðslu | Cold vals köflum | Snið af non-málmum | Snið málmum | Plastics - iðnaðar h...
- Sala Baganza
- Ítalía
Manufacture of glass fibre moulded and pultruded duckboard for bridges, enclosures, flooring; profiles, parapets, stairs, safety steps. Plastic: valves, tubes, joins, etc., installations: water and... Lesa meira »
- Sýru-ónæmir gólfefni | Grids, plast, til byggingariðnaði | Rafmagns og segulmagnaðir einangrun | Grids, gratings og vír ...
- Gorgonzola
- Ítalía
ISOGAINE, a French manufacturer with 60 years’ experience, is the plastic extrusion specialist. We will guide you on the design and production of your various extruded plastic products; extruded p... Lesa meira »
- Cable vöru | Pípur og rör, plast | Extrusion gúmmí og plast | Snið plast
- Saint-Ouen
- Frakkland
- Pípur og rör, tin | Leiðslur og pípur úr áli | Pípur og rör, kopar | Pípur og rör, non-járn, pressuðu | Vír og slöngur, ...
- Tychy
- Pólland
The company Trafilo srl provides services in the design of rigid seals and profile sections, co-extruded and magnetic, in thermoplastic materials for: shower stalls, doors and windows, floors,... Lesa meira »
- Leiðslur og pípur, gúmmí og plast | Rubber - vörur | Snið plast
- Rubano
- Ítalía
Mattiocco Elastomeri operates in the field of rubber technical parts and applied mechanical technology, specialised work and production of all types of elastomer. We are a company which has worked... Lesa meira »
- Gúmmí og plast | Mót, plasti og gúmmí | Snið plast
- Roma
- Ítalía
- Eftirnafn Deck Stripes, gifs hyrndur | Pípulagnir - Pípulagnir | Prófílar, flétta, laces og Fléttur, plast, fyrir húsgö...
- Tunari
- Rúmenía
- Snið af non-málmum | Hleifar og blokkir, títan og títan málmblöndur | Blöð og ræmur úr títan sinki, vals, þungur búnaður...
- Castellón de la Plana
- Spánn
- Medical tækni, rannsóknir og þróun | Plast, rannsóknir og þróun | Slönguna, pólýúretan (PU) | Barki, plast, sveigjanle...
- Dedemsvaart
- Niðurlönd
Plastic structural shapes for industry. Extruded plastics, co-extruded trims. Structural shapes in PVC, ABS, PC, PMMA, PS, PE and thermoplastic rubber. Plastic structural shapes manufactured from... Lesa meira »
- Extrusion gúmmí og plast | Snið plast
- Remanzacco
- Ítalía
At Kizikli Foods, we continue to pride ourselves on the tradition of harvesting and processing only the best fruit to give you the premium tasting juice you love and the nutrition your body... Lesa meira »
- Ávextir og grænmeti safa | Snið plast | Plastics - pökkun
- Kayseri
- Tyrkland
Shenzhen Huishangda Technology Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of supermarket displays with well-equipped testing facilities and strong technical force.
With a wide range, good quality, reasonable... Lesa meira »
- Bras | Snið plast
- Shenzhen
- Kína
PVC profiles such as flat strips (on a roll), angle profiles, glass bars, wall cladding as well as technical profiles according to customer specifications. Weather & UV resistant plastic... Lesa meira »
- Plastics - hálf-lokið vörur | Snið plast
- Uetze
- Þýskaland
Established in 1962 manufactures plastic profiles for pleasure boats (fenders), Aluminum windows profiles & gaskets, Office partitions profiles, complex glass partition, plastic skirting... Lesa meira »
- Plastics - hálf-lokið vörur | Snið plast
- Athína
- Grikkland
Global EPP has become synonymous with innovation, quality and technical excellence in relation to cast nylon and extruded semi-finished engineering plastic stock shapes.
The divisional integration... Lesa meira »
- Plast birgðir | Snið plast
- Leicester
- Bretland
TOMBO OZTURK PLASTIK & KALIP. We are a manufacturer of plastic household articles and plastic automotive parts. We are producer of plastic bathroom accessories, plastic kitchen wares,... Lesa meira »
- Baðherbergi Aukabúnaður | Snið plast
- Tyrkland
Guided by ISO 9001:2000 certification, IEC Mould is an upstream mould manufacturer , who is serving for manufacturers/wholesalers/suppliers of auto and motor parts, house appliance, toys and... Lesa meira »
- Snið plast
- Chang’an
- Kína
Jo Bird is one of the UK's leading designers and manufacturers of specialist storage cabinets for fire safety & lifesaving equipment. From our base in Somerset, England, we have used our... Lesa meira »
- Fire, höfnin og á sjó | Öryggi tankskipum | Skápar og skápar | Snið plast
- Highbridge
- Bretland
As a spanish plastics recycling company which commercialises all over Europe, USA and Asia, we can buy and offer you the following types of thermoplastics from our wide range of products:
LDPE,... Lesa meira »
- Snið plast | Plastics - pökkun | Endurunnið plast
- Buñol
- Spánn
- Húsbúnaður - aukahluti og | Plast vörur fyrir húsgögn iðnaður | Ómskoðun kerfi - viðskipti af plasti | Kassa, plast | Sn...
- Ítalía
- Plast vörur fyrir húsgögn iðnaður | Húðun, plast | Kassa, plast | Snið plast | Plastics - pökkun
- Rome
- Ítalía