Leitarniðurstöður fyrir: Veterinary Medicine - búnað og tæki
Fundust 1823 fyrirtækiglobalcatalog.com/shanghaibaobangmedicalequipmentco.cn
Shanghai Baobang Medical Equipment Co., Ltd, located in Shanghai, China, is a professional manufacturer, specialized in the development, production and export of hyperbaric chambers. The company... Lesa meira »
- Veterinary búnaður - | Lækningatækjum og tæki
- Shanghai
- Kína
We manufacture / export:
Dental Instruments, Extracting Forceps, Root Elevators, Dental Curettes, Dental Scalers, Dental Syringes, Amalgam instruments, Rubber Dam instruments, Bone Rongeurs,... Lesa meira »
- Skurðaðgerð hljóðfæri, nefi og hálsi | Skurðaðgerð hljóðfæri, eyru | Augu hljóðfæri setur | Skæri og tweezers, ákvæða sk...
- Sialkot
- Pakistan
Prometheus founded in 2007, committed to the research, development, production, and sales of in vitro diagnostic reagents. It is the first manufacturer in China to start developing and manufacturing... Lesa meira »
- Dýralyf
- Hangzhou
- Kína
Biotika was founded in 1953 as a new manufacturer of Penicillin on the territory of former Czechoslovakia with the aim to meet domestic demand.
From its foundation until 1990, Biotika was a part of... Lesa meira »
- Vítamín | Verkjalyf, róandi lyf og Flogaveikilyf fyrir dýr | Sótthreinsiefni og antiseptics fyrir dýr | Rannsókn Vökva f...
- Slovenská Ľupča
- Slóvakía
ISAHA MEDICAL is promising Manufacturing / Trading Company & specializes in the fields of:
Plastic Surgery Instruments | Orthopaedic Instruments | Laryngoscope (Fiber Optic / Conventional) |... Lesa meira »
- Þjónusta eftir sölu þjónustu | Laryngoscope | Otoscope | Liposuksjon / liposuction búnaður | Skurðaðgerð hljóðfæri, nefi...
- Sialkot
- Pakistan
Neeraj traders is a name synonymous with wholesale export and supply of high quality herbs from india, botanical herbs, natural herbal extracts, indian spices, oil belum, sesame seeds, dried flowers,... Lesa meira »
- Meðferð fræja | Ræktun krydd, arómatísk, lyf og lyfjafyrirtæki ræktun | Ayurvedic meðferð | Jurtir og krydd plöntur | Pl...
- New Delhi, Delhi
- Indland
AB Kauno grudai is currently performing the following activities:
The production, retail and wholesale, of wheat and rye flour
The production, retail and wholesale, of mixed fodder and balanced... Lesa meira »
- Møller | Matur - inn / útflutningur | Búfé - innflutningur / útflutningur | Landbúnaður - innflutningur / útflutningur |...
- Kaunas
- Litháen
Nanjing Superstar Medical Equipment Co., Ltd was established in 2008, is located in Nanjing Luhe Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, covering an area of nearly 14 acres and a building area... Lesa meira »
- Súrefni gríma | Lækningatæki öndun | Hljóðfæri fyrir svæfingu og endurlífgun | Hljóðfæri fyrir svæfingu | Svæfing gríma ...
- Nanjing
- Kína
LOCMEDT delivers the high quality IVD (In Vitro Diagnostic) devices to the global market - ranging from human use automatic biochemistry analyzer to veterinary biochemistry analyzer.
Based on ... Lesa meira »
- Veterinary Equipment, Medical og skurðaðgerð
- Tianjin
- Kína
Addvet is simply giving a guarantee for the quality and result oriented veterinary medicine products and feed additives.... Lesa meira »
- Dýraafurðir | Alifugla, lifandi | Feeds til eldis dýra | Dýra fóðri | Fæða fyrir fiskeldi | Fóðri | Fæða bekk ensím | Dý...
- amman
- Jórdanía
Jiangsu Zhongda Auto Equipment Sales Co.,LTD is a branch sales company of Zonyi Auto Equipment Group in China, which also includes one manufacturing factory named at jiangsu Zhongda Auto mobile... Lesa meira »
- Medical og sál-tækni próf | Anti-froðumyndun umboðsmaður fyrir kötlum | Sjúkdómsgreiningar búnaði fyrir bilun vél, tölvu...
- Yancheng
- Kína
I.S. International is a leading manufacturer of quality Surgical, Dental, Orthopedic Instruments/Implants and Hollow Wares. We have been engaging this field since 1980. All of our employees are well... Lesa meira »
- Ortopotiske tæki | Læknisfræði og skurðlækningar - tæki og búnað | Hljóðfæri fyrir hjartaaðgerð | Taugaskurðlækningar Hl...
- Sialkot
- Pakistan
SPCV: manufacturer of bottle teats for infants and all animals. Natural rubber, silicone and elastomer moulding. Medical, paramedical and industrial sectors. Articles used for child care, silicone... Lesa meira »
- Gúmmí og plast | Feeds til eldis dýra | Rubber - vörur | Rubber - læknisfræði greinar | Rubber - tæknileg atriði til iðn...
- Vorey
- Frakkland
Chinese leading supplier in veterinary and research equipment.
As a growing international company, our aim is always to better serve the veterinary and research equipment professional in... Lesa meira »
- Veterinary búnaður -
- Beijing
- Kína
Import and distribution of single-use and NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) protective wear), MICROTEX garments for chemical protection, MICROTEX PLUS garments for biological protection, JACKTEX... Lesa meira »
- Reglugerð um hjálpartækjum skófatnaði | Innflytjendur og útflytjendur, lyfja og lækningatækja | Innréttingu, geymslu og ...
- Sarmato
- Ítalía
BIOTECH APB is a Swiss Society whose knowledge in the field of producing
biological products based on essential oils 100% hydrosoluble has been
recognized for many years
The BIOTECH APB products... Lesa meira »
- Innflytjendur og útflytjendur, hljóð-og myndmiðlunarbúnaður | Umhverfi vara lyf | Shutters og blindur rafknúinn, málm | ...
- Lausanne
- Sviss
Rizwan Industrial Enterprises is a blacksmith family company. The Grandfather of the chief executive was a skilled and famous lathe worker and die maker in the ERA 1878-1979.
The inherited skill... Lesa meira »
- Hnífar | Tangir | Skurðaðgerð hljóðfæri, eyru | Skurðaðgerð hljóðfæri | Inndráttarbúnaði, fyrir vets | Inndráttarbúnað...
- Goth Barkat Sialkoti
- Pakistan
Infinita Ltd was established in 2012 as a professional medical equipment supplier. The company is based in Bulgaria, representative of many reputable international brands. Our main goal is to deliver... Lesa meira »
- Hjartarafritun tæki | Cardiographs | Hjarta-tæki | Rekstri leikhús tæki og verkfæri | Coelioscopy tæki | Cryosurgical og...
- Sofia
- Búlgaría
At Trillium Smile Dentistry in Mississauga, our mission is to provide each patient we see with personalized attention. We are proud to say that we develop lasting lifelong relationships with our... Lesa meira »
- Dental Hljóðfæri, Veterinary | Dental liðskipti | Tannlækningar - vörur
- Mississauga
- Kanada
We, AFRZ CORPORATION are the Manufacturer & Exporter of SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS.
Established in 1948, we have a long –standing global reputation for quality, excellence and outstanding service. O... Lesa meira »
- Heilsa og læknisfræði, vörur | Læknisfræði og skurðlækningar - tæki og búnað | Læknisfræði og skurðlækningar - tæki og b...
- Sialkot
- Pakistan
Adding a royal look to your lifestyle, a premium range of Aprons, Bath Mat, Bath Robe, Bath Towel, Bread Basket, Gloves, Placemat with Napkin, Quilt, etc. Still searching for an entity that offers ... Lesa meira »
- Loft Gluggatjöld | Myndaalbúm | Teppi | Ull efni | Dúkur | Veski | Leðurvörur - fylgihlutir | Kassa, pappa eða pappa | L...
- Mumbai
- Indland
Established suppliers and exporters of agricultural, public and animal health, and industrial products to over 90 countries worldwide. Agrochemicals include: acaricides, herbicides, insecticides,... Lesa meira »
- Landbúnaður - innflutningur / útflutningur | Úða búnað, garður | Úða búnað, landbúnaðar | Industrial sprayers til vinnsl...
- Poynton
- Bretland
Sub: Medicine Busines
We introduce ourselves Zenith Remedies Pvt Ltd is a Medicinal Hub with a Name Fame all over the World for its excellence in terms of Quality and Services as per WHO-cGMP... Lesa meira »
- Hljóðnemi | Lækninga | Nef Rjómi | Mesespray | Nefkoksræktanir efnablöndur (nefi og hálsi) | Throat Spray | Munni og hál...
- New Delhi
- Indland
Leading manufacturers and exporters of all types of Industrial Machine Knives, Blades, Rolls, Slitting Cutters, Saw Blades, Hot Saws, Cold Saws, TCT Saws, Spacers, Rubberized Spacers, Separator... Lesa meira »
- Flaying hníf, slátrarar | Butcher Ása | Teningar kjöt vél, slátrara | Scrapers, slátrarar | Hand Sagir, slátrara | Sager...
- Mumbai
- Indland
Vetson Healthcare is a Fast-Growing Pharmaceutical Firm known for Manufacturing, Trading, and Providing services for a wide range of Veterinary pharmaceutical products. Veterinay Bolus, Injectables,... Lesa meira »
- Dýralyf | Hollustuhætti vörur fyrir dýr
- Ambala Cantt
- Indland
Established in 2018, Shenzhen Spicegirl siliocne product Co.,Ltd is specialized in silicone sex doll. <br><br>Our dolls are carefully hand-crafted, made of a metal skeleton covered in... Lesa meira »
- Plast vörur fyrir dýrum
- Shenzhen
- Kína
- Dental Hljóðfæri, Veterinary
- Bern
- Sviss