Leitarniðurstöður fyrir: Áburður
Fundust 3872 fyrirtækisupplyautonomy.com/sanbiotechpvt.in
Institute for Industrial Research Toxicology (IIRT) is an independent, self sustaining, not-for-profit multidisciplinary contract research institute conducting research and development in... Lesa meira »
- Önnur ráðgjöf | Áburður | Menntun þjónusta
- Delhi
- Indland
We are a brokerage company.
Our dynamics young team is available for all inquiry.
As we already work with mandate or end seller, we can find for buyer best price in respect of seller's... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Þvagefni, þvagefni, þvagefni
- Guyancourt
- Frakkland
Dear Sir
We ,would like to introduce our selves as a reputable company which active in the fields Import and Export of authorized products in Iran and deals with many Asian and European... Lesa meira »
- Frosinn ávöxtum | Áburður | Iron málmgrýti
- Tehran
- Íran
We work with #3 America commodity supplier. We have been in business since 1995. We are not those internet ghosts who are roaming around looking for who to devour, but you can only confirm it when... Lesa meira »
- Sojabaunir | Áburður | Agro vörur og vörur
- Quito
- Ekvador
Today, agro medicines are in huge demand due to their no side effects and effective cure. We, Cansuki Trading Co., are a prominent name engaged in exporting and supplying all types of Agro Medicine... Lesa meira »
- Áburður
- Lagos
- Nígería
WE OFFER: Natural Alkalized Cocoa Powder, Coconut Cream Powder, Desiccated Coconut (high Low Fat), Palm Oil, Palm Olein / Vegetable Oil, Soya Bean Oil, Coconut Oil, Soya Fatty acid, Palm Fatty... Lesa meira »
- Kókos olíu | Kaffi, jörð | Áburður
- Kota Kinabalu
- Malasía
- Áburður | Tannlækningar - búnað | Lækningatækjum | Medical & sjúkrahús disposables | Agro vörur og vörur
- Kota Bahru
- Malasía
We are selling to any kind marbles, fertilizers, sugar, cements
D-4 trading
Main items of the goods
Cement clinker
Dairy products
Edible... Lesa meira »
- Ólífuolía | Áburður | Agro vörur og vörur
- Ankara
- Tyrkland
We are trading company based in UAE, established in1987.
We have our name and reputation in our and heighbor countries for supply and deliver verious kinds of commodities.
We are acting as agents... Lesa meira »
- Hveiti | Hveiti bran | Áburður
- Al Ain
- Sameinuðu arabísku furstadæmin
- Hveiti | Fresh banana | Garðyrkjuskóli Equipment | Áburður | Landmótun þjónustu
- Pune
- Indland
We are pleased to introduce a premium producer of Organic Farming Inputs like Organic Manure , Vermi Compost, Vermiwash and Panchakanvya for nearly 5 years.
Sri Gayathri Biotec is located at... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Plant vöxt eftirlitsstofnanna | Menntun þjónusta
- Guntur
- Indland
We, PV International, Sangli. We are 100% grey cotton yarn sourcing agent for local as well as for export market. We are also raw cotton suppliers to many spinning mills of Maharashtra.
We are... Lesa meira »
- Raw bómull | Garn | Áburður
- Sangli
- Indland
- Áburður | Sveppum | Agro vörur og vörur
- Ahmedabad
- Indland
We, karthik co. Exports, basically belong to the horticulture world since 1996. Working continuously in live plants with a very wide vision for the years, we have penetrated its roots deeply in... Lesa meira »
- Aquatic plöntur | Áburður
- Madurai
- Indland
We are a Ishita International group company. We are the first producer/manufacturer of 100% water soluble fertilizers in India. We are only producer of fertilizer potassium nitrate. We produce... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Blandaðs áburðar
- Vapi
- Indland
We are established since 1985 and are manufacturers of organic fertilizer and herbal solutions like Viricide, Fungicide, Nematicide, Miticide etc. We are organically certified by USS OPCA. Our... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Sveppum | Sveppaeyðir
- Saharanpur
- Indland
Exporters: Basmati Rice, Soya meal Sellers of Cement, Brazil Sugar, Calcium Carbide, Hms and Used rails, Copper, Used Engine Oil, T-shirt, Towels etc.
- Innkaupastjóri Ráðgjafar | Palm olíu | Áburður
- Madurai
- Indland
WE ARE MANUFACTURER AND TRADER OF VARIOUS M.S. STEEL MANGANESE ITEMS LIKE steel chain links, steel chain Bending Machines, Manganese Ore, Iron Ore, Sponge Iron, M.S. Ingots, M.S. Billets, TMT Bars,... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Stál ingots
- Indore
- Indland
We manufacture supply insecticides, sulphur-powders, chemicals minerals for rubber, paints plastics.
We also manufacture micronisers, pulverisers, air-classifiers, ACM mills, ring-roller... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Illgresi | Sveppum | Grunn efni
- Faridabad
- Indland
With our prime vision is to offer entirely cost effective, innovative, and impeccable quality products to clients, we Kishan Biotech are a prominent manufacturer, exporter, trader and supplier of a ... Lesa meira »
- Áburður
- Rajkot
- Indland
Established in 2012, AAA Star Chemicals is a well known trader and supplier of Agro chemicals, Chemicals Fertilizers & Pesticides. With a vision to provide highly customized products, we offer... Lesa meira »
- Áburður
- Ahmedabad
- Indland
- Rafbúnað og rafeindabúnað | Dísel rafala | Electric Motors | Áburður | Innspýting kerfi / pípur
- Rajkot
- Indland
- Áburður | Lækninga | Önnur Birgðasali Baby og vörur | Fatnaður | Agro vörur og vörur
- Mumbai
- Indland
- Áburður | Sveppum | Lækninga | Innkaupastjóri Umboðsverslun | Agro vörur og vörur
- Ahmedabad
- Indland
- Sótthreinsun þjónusta | Áburður | Sveppum | Agro vörur og vörur | Landmótun þjónustu
- Badlapur
- Indland
We are the exporter of chili powder, ground turmeric powder, turmeric spices, spices, cooking spices, chili pepper dried red peppers, chili flakes, indian spices, curry spices, garam masala, pure... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Agro vörur og vörur | Corporate & Promotional Gjafir
- Melur
- Indland
Accurately composed with precise chemical content, effectiveness, safety, etc, plant growth regulators are widely used to modify or alter the physiological processes of a plant. Sadguru Chemicals... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Agro vörur og vörur
- Indore
- Indland