Leitarniðurstöður fyrir: Þjónusta í tengslum við olíu og gas iðnaði
Fundust 15362 fyrirtækiTengdar flokkar
Christensen offers a full range of fuels, lubricants and propane products. We also offer innovative services proven to add profits to our customers’ bottom l... Lesa meira »
- Bensín og ný prófun gashylki | Framleiðendur hauggasi | Framleiðslu og dreifingu á loftkenndu eldsneyti | Lífdísill | Dí...
- Bandaríkin
Trans Carrier Limited's number one goal is to cater to all aspects of the oil patch, including moving service rigs, test equipment, plant site maintenance equipment, construction equipment,... Lesa meira »
- Samgöngur | Olía Field, þjónustu | Byggingarefni | Trukkinn | Smíði búnaðar | Samgöngur | Vöruflutningar, hauling | Olíu...
- Fort Saint John
- Kanada
When you need tough and safe heavy hauling in British Columbia and north into the Yukon, Timber Service Ltd in Quesnel is always ready with certified technicians and the strongest equipment in the... Lesa meira »
- Samgöngur | Vegum, timbur | Flutningar á þungum hlutum | Samgöngur | Flutningar á þungaflutninga | Taka · mmer flutning ...
- Quesnel
- Kanada
Surerus Pipeline Inc. is proud to be the largest independent pipeline installation contractor in British Columbia. From humble beginnings, the Surerus group of companies has established a reputation... Lesa meira »
- Leiðsla lyfta og relaying | Uppsetning kerfisins pípu | Framkvæmdir fyrir olíu og gas leiðslur | Framkvæmdir fyrir leiðs...
- Fort Saint John
- Kanada
Summit Pipeline Services was founded in 1995. Our headquarters are located in Thunder Bay, ON with a secondary office in Dawson Creek, BC. We provide pipeline and facilities construction and... Lesa meira »
- Almennar framkvæmdir fyrir leiðslur | Pipelaying framkvæmdir | Leiðsla lyfta og relaying | Framkvæmdir fyrir olíu og gas...
- Chetwynd
- Kanada
An ISO 9001:2008 certified entity specializing in switches and other home electrical accessories. Guided by highest order of innovation and quality, we, Milltec Industries, have emerged as a ... Lesa meira »
- Suðu | Raforkuframleiðslu og dreifingu iðnaður | Moisture Einangrun | Leggja gólf | Málverk - verktakar | Byggingu þjónu...
- Mumbai
- Indland
Sahni Sports an Indian based Sports Goods and sports equipments specialist Manufacturer and Exporter. The company excels as an established business engaged in the Manufacturing and Exporting of... Lesa meira »
- Raforkuframleiðslu og dreifingu iðnaður | Offshore vinnu - | Einangrunarefni | Hæfni og jóga klæðast | Töskur | Íþrótti...
- Meerut
- Indland
We are manufacturer, supplier of labels, stickers & tags, graphic labels, graphic overlays, graphic promotional labels.
- Eldur Stöðvar höfnum og höfnum | Leiðrétting á skipgengum vatnaleiðum og áin banka | Skólp Losun í sjó | Underwater Cons...
- Pune
- Indland
Since 2010, we "Flochem Pumps & Engineers" have been offering high end Industrial Centrifugal Pump. Today, we are counted among the key Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters of... Lesa meira »
- Suðu | Raforkuframleiðslu og dreifingu iðnaður | Moisture Einangrun | Leggja gólf | Málverk - verktakar | Byggingu þjónu...
- Ahmedabad
- Indland
Manufacturers & Importers Of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).
- Orka Miðlari | Energimiglere, gas | Rafmagn Dýraþjálfari | Upplýsingaþjónusta, Umhverfismál | Veðurfræði Services, á net...
- New Delhi
- Indland
Manufacturer of Liquefied Petroleum Gas & Natural Gas.
- Energimiglere, gas | Metan gas framboð til heimila | Metan gas framboð til notkunar í iðnaði | Bygassforsyning | Metan g...
- Ahmedabad
- Indland
From our location in Prince George, Eagle Valley Holdings Ltd. offers land clearing, site preparation and road development services to all of British Columbia and Alberta. In our 40 years of growth,... Lesa meira »
- Road byggingu verksmiðja | Samgöngumannvirkjum | Skógrækt þjónusta | Olía Field, þjónustu | Landbúnaði þjónusta | Garðyr...
- Prince George
- Kanada
Stimulate Well Optimization Inc. offers a full range of well stimulation and optimization services for the oil and gas industry. Helping producers maximize well potential and production through... Lesa meira »
- Olía Field, þjónustu | Vatn meðferð efna | Saltsýra | Flúor sýru, hydrofluoric sýru | Viðhald olíufélaganna | Bygging ol...
- Fort Saint John
- Kanada
About Xuzhou New Hitech Silica Materials Co., Ltd Our specialty lies in our ability to manufacture and export a comprehensive assortment of Fused Silica as well as Crystal Silica materials in China.... Lesa meira »
- Suðu | Raforkuframleiðslu og dreifingu iðnaður | Moisture Einangrun | Leggja gólf | Málverk - verktakar | Byggingu þjónu...
- Xinyi
- Kína
Liquefied petroleum gas distributor
- Gas og olía - nýtingu | Gas - framleiðslu og dreifingu | Lampar og leitarljós, asetýlen | Olía Lampar | Áfengi Lampar | ...
- Royal Leamington Spa
- Bretland
Columbia Fuels is a petroleum distribution leader that specializes in delivering high-quality fuel, lubricants and equipment to a growing number of businesses, industries and homeowners.
- Flutninga á eldsneyti | Fljótandi jarðgas (LNG), meðferð | Dreifingaraðilar fljótandi jarðolíu gasi (LPG) | Jarðgas, dre...
- Nanaimo
- Kanada
A full-service design and engineering firm, Acrow Bridge specializes in prefabricated modular steel bridging solutions for permanent, temporary and emergency use. For more than half a century, Acrow... Lesa meira »
- Forsmíðaðar hluti | Bridges, fleka, mát (leiga) | Tæknilega stoðþjónustu, olíuvinnslu | Brýr, málm, forsmíðaðar þætti...
- Richmond
- Kanada
PSE Provides Process Technologies, Project Management, Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning Services for Projects That Include Oil-Gas (On-Shore & Off-Shore) Gas... Lesa meira »
- Skólp Losun í sjó | Leiðsla Skoðun Underwater | Underwater Construction, Inspection | Underwater Stafli og mannvirki, hr...
- Thane
- Indland
Nature of business At AvantiGas we are passionate about energy and our customers. We provide LPG for homes and business throughout the UK and pride ourselves in providing a cleaner burning fuel.... Lesa meira »
- Orka Miðlari | Energimiglere, gas | Eignarhaldsfélög, rafmagn, gas og vatn | Rafmagn Dýraþjálfari | Metan gas framboð ti...
- Chesterfield
- Bretland
Manufacturers & Exporters of Petroleum Products like Oil and Natural Gas, Marine Lubes.
- Geymsla fyrir jarðolíu, smíði og uppsetningu | Framkvæmdir Equipment fyrir jarðolíu, smíði, uppsetningu og viðhald | Olí...
- Mumbai
- Indland
Business of Designing,Installing,Maintaining and Servicing of Industrial (40kg Multiple Cylinder) and Bulk LP Gas Systems including Pipe Laying,Fixing of other Accessories such as Gas Meters,... Lesa meira »
- Vegasamgöngur í vagna tankur, steinefni | Grófur hreinsunarstöðvar olíu | Smurefni fyrir háan hita, hráolíu-undirstaða |...
- Nugegoda
- Srí Lanka
- Energimiglere, gas | Metan gas framboð til heimila | Metan gas framboð til notkunar í iðnaði | Bygassforsyning | Metan g...
- Bayreuth
- Þýskaland
- Gas og olía - nýtingu | Könnun fyrir olíu og gas | Stefnuháð Boranir, oljebjønn | Lárétt Borun jarðolíu brunna | Turbo-b...
- Argenteuil
- Frakkland
Nature of business SPX solutions play a vital role in global infrastructure expansion to help meet increased demand for electricity, and in helping food and beverage producers increase their capacity... Lesa meira »
- Gas og olía - nýtingu | Bakarí innréttingum og fylgihlutir | Vélar til framleiðslu pretzels | Loftun kerfi fyrir bakarí ...
- Oslo
- Noregur
(EN): Highly skilled experts who distinguished themselves in the oil fields of Iraq, Jordan, Algerian Sahara, Ecuador, Cuba, Greece, Kuwait, Iran, India, Tunisia, the available technical potential,... Lesa meira »
- Könnun fyrir olíu og gas | Stefnuháð Boranir, oljebjønn | Lárétt Borun jarðolíu brunna | Turbo-boranir olíu brunna | Cor...
- Craiova
- Rúmenía
- Grófur hreinsunarstöðvar olíu | Smurefni, fastur | Smurefni byggist á polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) | Petroleum elds...
- Alès
- Frakkland