
  • Staxurskogo 38
  • Vinnitsya-21021, 21021
  • Украина
  • Тел.:380-096-7767422
  • Факс:380
  • Веб-адрес:

О нас


Dear buyers! Grettings from Ukraine.

If you are REAL buyer of mentioned 3 producs above (Wheat (any quality), Corn Urea fertilizer), then contact asap with us with full details of query products send your "LOI" asap. Our contact "ispra_a3ATyahooDOTcom"

Special request to all mandates/media brokers: "If you are not 100% sure of your buyer", then don't waste our time pls. Only direct buyers are welcome to get direct link with us. Thanks to all from Alexandr, Ukraine!

N.B.: Without LOI -don't send any request pls. It'll automatically delete!


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