の検索結果: 殺虫剤
見つかった149 社supplyautonomy.com/wuhanagrisoulchemicalcoltd.cn
Professional & reliable manufacturer of pesticide, insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, plant growth regulator, rodenticide, public health insecticides, agrochemical intermediate, technical... 続きを読む »
- 除草剤 | ラットの毒、農業 | グリフォセート | 害虫駆除剤および殺鼠剤 | 害虫駆除用品 | 防黴剤、除草剤および防虫剤 | 殺菌剤 | 殺ダニ剤 | 農薬、殺虫剤 | 生物農薬...
- Wuhan
- 中国
Established suppliers and exporters of agricultural, public and animal health, and industrial products to over 90 countries worldwide. Agrochemicals include: acaricides, herbicides, insecticides,... 続きを読む »
- 農業 - インポートエクスポート | 溶射装置、庭 | 溶射装置、農業 | 表面処理産業用噴霧器 | 検疫製品、殺菌剤、殺虫剤 | 肥料や土壌改良 | 殺虫剤 | 獣医製品...
- Poynton
- イギリス
H&N manufacturer of cleaners & cleansing products, European ecolabel. Maintenance, disinfection, odour neutralisation. Specialist in dry micro-diffusion, air and surface treatment... 続きを読む »
- ストリッパーと研磨剤、化学 | ガラス、鏡 - クリーニング製品 | メンテナンス製品、工業用洗浄 | 生態学的なハウスキーピング製品 | 洗剤や石鹸 - プロフェッショナル | 殺虫剤...
- Longvic
- フランス
Manufacture of biocides: biocides for industrial treatments. Manufacturer of insecticides: industrial insecticides. Distributor of rat poison, rat poison blocks, rat poison pastes, rodent control... 続きを読む »
- 殺鼠剤および害獣駆除剤、化学 | ラット毒 | 燻蒸剤、硫黄および二硫化炭素 | 殺虫剤
- Nanterre
- フランス
ASM Pest Control is a leading pest extermination company located in the Lower Mainland, BC. With a team of licensed and insured pest control experts, We are proudly serving residential, commercial... 続きを読む »
- 殺虫剤
- Surrey
- カナダ
we Beijing Kingbo Biotech company is in the good position to provide Organic Pesticide from Pure Chinese Herbs(mainly for export), which shows great advantages during the application--low toxic,... 続きを読む »
- 殺菌剤 | 生物農薬 | 殺菌剤 | 検疫製品、殺菌剤、殺虫剤 | 殺虫剤 | 農薬&殺虫剤
- Beijing
- 中国
We, DAEGIL CO., LTD. is the manufacturer of glue and sticky traps for rats, cockroaches, flies, and other insects. We have produced the environment-friendly and high quality glue traps for over 40... 続きを読む »
- 殺虫剤
- 大韓民国
OR.MA. manufactures automatic dispensers, deodorants and insecticides, natural pyrethrum-based aerosols, light traps and other articles for insect removal and environmental health. Orma's... 続きを読む »
- 殺虫剤
- Trofarello
- イタリア
- 卵、家禽の、放し飼い | 卵、家禽の、有機 | 卵、家禽の、食用 | 卵、アヒル、消費用 | 卵、七面鳥、消費用 | 鳥の卵、家禽以外、食用 | 卵、孵化用 | 卵、ダチョウ | ウズラの卵 | 米糠...
- Písek
- チェコ共和国
BLEU LINE is a leading European formulator and manufacturer of Insecticides and Rodenticides.
BLEU LINE produces and resells pest control products with two Sites based in Italy
BLEU LINE is... 続きを読む »
- 殺虫剤 | 検疫製品、殺菌剤、殺虫剤 | 殺虫剤
- Forlì
- イタリア
Viridaxis produces aphid parasitoids based on a unique, plant-less process. Our products are known for their reliable and outstanding quality. We continually make major investments in R&D, as... 続きを読む »
- 殺虫剤
- Charleroi
- ベルギー
Since 1932, Denka International in guiding new developments in the field of registration, formulation and production biocides, pesticides and veterinary drugs. The protection of the environment,... 続きを読む »
- 殺虫剤
- Barneveld
- オランダ
We,Guangzhou EHT Agro-chemical Supply Chain Co., Ltd., supply tech of pesticides, herbicides, Fungicides and intermediates with good price&quality, such as Chlorpyrifos, Dimethoate,... 続きを読む »
- 殺菌剤 | 殺虫剤
- Guangzhou
- 中国
Shenzhen Zonewins Special Materials Co., Ltd(ZWS) is the word's leading producer and manager of New Pesticide in china.The company's main products include Insecticide,Fungicide,... 続きを読む »
- 殺虫剤
- Shenzhen
- 中国
Our business is founded on innovative and bio-intensive pest management systems. We have built up a product group defined by elements that are safe for the environment, are fully IPM adaptable and... 続きを読む »
- 殺虫剤
- Istanbul
- トルコ
SHANGHAI MIO CHEMICAL Co., LTD. Is a professional and reputable agrochemicals manufacturer in China.
We are the biggest producer of technical grade Acetochlor and Metolachlor in Asia.
Currently,... 続きを読む »
- 殺菌剤 | 殺虫剤
- Shanghai
- 中国
- 検疫製品、殺菌剤、殺虫剤 | 殺虫剤
- Vinaroz
- スペイン
Dear Sir, How are you? This is Angela Xiao from WELLMAX AGROCHEM LTD.Please permet me to introduce it to you as below:Wellmax Agrochem is one of the leading exporters of agriculture chemical in... 続きを読む »
- 殺虫剤
- Shenzhen
- 中国
- ラット毒 | 検疫製品、殺菌剤、殺虫剤 | 殺虫剤
- Lugo
- イタリア
- ラット毒 | 検疫製品、殺菌剤、殺虫剤 | 殺虫剤
- Rome
- イタリア
- ラット毒 | 検疫製品、殺菌剤、殺虫剤 | 殺虫剤
- Lusia
- イタリア
- ラット毒 | 検疫製品、殺菌剤、殺虫剤 | 殺虫剤
- Massa Lombarda
- イタリア