の検索結果: 茶
見つかった5308 社supplyautonomy.com/gmichealthcarepvt1.lk
We are manufacture of Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation Products and we alsoo import Physiotherapy , Rehab, OT as well as X Ray machines and , Chemicals , Films and all other accessories we... 続きを読む »
- 黒茶
- Kalubowila
- スリランカ
Thai Nguyen-Tan Cuong tea Export Factory is a member unit under Hoang Binh Co, Ltd with its issued of business No 1712000003 by Thai Nguyen Department of Planning and Investment.
Our Factory... 続きを読む »
- 黒茶
- Thai Nguyen
- ベトナム
We are Tan Cuong Hoang Binh Group J. S. C, We have many years in manufacture and export all kind of black tea and green tea in bulk. We also have workshop for producing local tea with green leaf... 続きを読む »
- 黒茶
- Thai Nguyen
- ベトナム
Kim Anh tea Joint stock Company is an enterprise which is specialized in produce black tea, exported green tea and fragrant tea. Kim Anh tea products have been exported all over the world.
Kim Anh... 続きを読む »
- 黒茶
- Ha Noi
- ベトナム
We are one of the biggest manufacturer and trading of Tea in Viet Nam. With over 20 years experience in doing business in Tea. We export our tea products into Middle East, Russia,Taiwan, China,... 続きを読む »
- 黒茶
- Ha Noi
- ベトナム
We are a Trading Company based in Indonesia, Surabaya City.
We have established with many Indonesian manufacturers / suppliers, and herewith we provide informations regarding them to provide... 続きを読む »
- 黒茶
- Surabaya
- インドネシア
Manufaturers of quality corrugated boxes
The Sunanda Packaging Pvt. Ltd. has been promoted by Mr. K. S. Gupta. He is the first generation entrepreneur and promoter of Sunanda Packaging Pvt. Ltd.... 続きを読む »
- 黒茶
- New Del
- インド
Bio-Active was founded in June 2000. It is a creation of Jarosaw Kosiski, a nature lover, keen globetrotter, tea taster, a person who travels the world looking for the most perfect ingredients for... 続きを読む »
- フレーバーティー
- Warsaw
- ポーランド
We are an Import Trading and export company, a part of a larg group ZIM group.
Importing also for our chain of supermarkets "Almost free".
We can offer you all kinds of supermarket... 続きを読む »
- 黒茶
- Ramle
- イスラエル
Intara Group
Year 1994 Intara Enterprise Co.,Ltd was established as the Engineering and Industrian importer located at 203 Soi Chaiyapruk, Chatapadung Rd., Tambol Naimuang,... 続きを読む »
- 緑茶
- Barngyai
- タイ
We are proud of our status as the professional producer and the leading exporter of tea in china.
Our vision is to provide value to customers by supplying superior quality chinese teas (Eu... 続きを読む »
- 黒茶
- Shanghai
- 中国
HASHEM International for General Trading LLC. is a leading general trading company works in industry, import and export; offers various wholesale products for traders, businessmen and institutions... 続きを読む »
- オリーブオイル | 黒茶
- Dubai
- アラブ首長国連邦
Southern Partners and Fair Trade Center, Inc. is a trading and manufacturing company here in Cebu. Spftc was stablished 1996 by peoples organizations among small producers, farmers, fisherfolks... 続きを読む »
- フレーバーティー
- Cebu
- フィリピン
Who are we?
As you do, we also are interested in our observations, explore learning, good and bad reviews, and analyze to find the best solution for yourself and everybody.
We build trust, we... 続きを読む »
- ハーブティー | コーヒー飲料 | 果物&野菜ジュース
- Ho Chi Minh
- ベトナム
We are among the leading exporters of lanka Pure Ceylon black Tea and spices, and value added products
Dtriangle (Pvt) Ltd takes much pleasure in introducing ourselves as a company committed to... 続きを読む »
- 黒茶
- Colombo
- スリランカ
Cheongwon Industry is manufacturer and wholesales company established on 1994.
Mainly we deal with fire safety parts , Chemical, brass, on industrial part. From 2007, we are exporting the high... 続きを読む »
- フレーバーティー
- Yongin-Si
- 大韓民国
Dear Sir
We are glad to introduce us through alibaba.com
We are doing marketing and trading service
We have the solution to make your market in Korea quickly and easily
Also ready to supply... 続きを読む »
- フレーバーティー
- Daejeon
- 大韓民国
The best business partner, Bztoc Korea
We will always be with customers everlastingly
With Creative mind, Bztoc Korea is a trading company which is supplying quality products to buyers and is... 続きを読む »
- フレーバーティー
- Seo-Gu
- 大韓民国
We have been established here for more than 13years as exporter of Korean-made Red Ginseng products.
We enjoy a specially advantageous position as we have wide and direct connections with the first... 続きを読む »
- フレーバーティー
- Yeongju-Si
- 大韓民国
- No Zero Sum, Positive Sum with you
KIMYOUNG International Trade AL(KITAL)is actively engaged as both exporter and export-import representative on consignment of local agricultural... 続きを読む »
- フレーバーティー
- Andong-City
- 大韓民国
Thanks for constant patronage by the customers since our establishment 1991, we Dong IL Co., Ltd. have enjoyed a good prosperity and also achieved a remarkable progress and development in production... 続きを読む »
- フレーバーティー
- Pocheon-Si
- 大韓民国
Manufacturers of Serendipity High Voltage Colloidal Minerals..
Serendipity High Voltage Colloidal Silver
Serendipity High Voltage Colloidal Gold
Serendipity High Voltage Colloidal... 続きを読む »
- フレーバーティー | 栄養ドリンク
- South Perth
- オーストラリア
matespublicitarios cree en el e-commerce para promover productos autoctonos para el mercado local e internacional. Nuestro compromiso es brindale productos de nuestros pais para regalos... 続きを読む »
- 黒茶
- Posadas
- アルゼンチン
O Health Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was founded in 1983, mainly operated in tea business in the early stage. In 1991, through being guided planting organic tea by Tea Research and Extention Station,... 続きを読む »
- ウーロン茶
- Taichung
- 台湾
Mr. Hsu chien-chen, the founder of may zest tea co. Ltd. Is a professional tea trader. Since 1986 he has been engaged in the skills of growing, producing and baking tea with best quality and... 続きを読む »
- 黒茶
- Taoyuan City, Taoyuan County
- 台湾
Sung Meng Tea Company Ltd. is a family business now in its third-generation. The Sung Meng Tea Company has supplied the most superb oolong teas available in Taiwan since 1960. Our tea farms are... 続きを読む »
- 黒茶
- Ming Jian
- 台湾
Foodchem International Corporation, located in Shanghai City, is specialized in manufacturing and supplying food additives and food ingredients. Our carrageenan, agar agar and konjac gum are... 続きを読む »
- 黒茶
- Shanghai
- 中国