Olympus GIF-HQ190 Gastroscope

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$ 10500 USD / Kus


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Olympus GIF-HQ190 Gastroscope

Manufacturer year : 2015

Used condition like new, Excellent and ready to work

Come with warranty 12 month

Features :

- State of the art design: Loaded with advanced technologies, the GIF-HQ190 raises the bar for routine gastroscopes.

- Brighter, more powerful imaging: Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) now delivers significantly increased brightness, providing twice the viewable distance compared to earlier scope models.

- Optimal depth of field at the touch of a button: Dual Focus, an Olympus optical innovation, allows the user to select between two focus settings to achieve the desired depth of field for optimal observation.

- Easier setup: A new waterproof connector design minimizes the effort required for setup prior to and in between cases and eliminates the need for a water-resistant cap.

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