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Alpha Amylase

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$ 50 USD / Gabals


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α- Amylase is an enzyme preparation abstracted from bacillus lincheniformis through deep-layer liquid fermentation, and is applied in such industries as bio-pharmacy, starch sugar, alcohol, beer, monosodium glutamate, fermentation and fruit juice.

Functions of alpha amylase enzyme

(1) α- amylase can increase feed conversion ratio and improve production performance.

(2) α- amylase can effectively decompose resistant starch which produces feed raw material itself and in the process of machining, improving energy utilization rate.

Features of Alpha Amylase

(1)High tolerance to animal acid gastrointestinal environment.

pH range: valid pH range is 2.0~7.0; the optimum pH is 5.0.

Definition of Activity alpha amylase for sale

One unit of amylase activity (U) is defined as 1g solid enzyme(or 1ml liquid enzyme),liquefies 1mg soluble starch at 60℃ and pH6.0 in 1min.

Dosage of Alpha Amylase

Recommended dosage in complete feed of α- amylase with 7000 U/g:80-100g/t.Add to premixed feed and concentrated feed in proportion.

For more information about types of amylase, please feel free to contact us!

Bestzyme, as an excellent enzyme supplier, offers a wide range of Feed enzyme for you to choose from.