• 90 E Church Lane, Germantown friends school Metro Area
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19144-2213
  • Соединети Американски Држави
  • Тел:(215) 849-7010
  • Факс:(215) 849-7012
  • Url:

За нас


For 20 years, Karen Singer Tileworks has helped non profit organizations across the country attract donations by translating their mission into visually compelling artwork. It is "art you can touch" that has the added value of durability. Installed both inside and outside, a Karen Singer Tileworks piece can maintain it's beauty and impact for hundreds of years.

Products include commemorative plaques, history walls, signage, architectural terra cotta, and unique custom gifts.

Athena Powerlink Program awardee, numerous PA Council on the Arts "Artist in Residence" grants

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