Triphala Guggulu - for Joint Pain, Piles and Weight Loss by Kerala Naturals

Herbes et des remèdes naturels

$ 20 USD / Pièces


1 Année (s)



Description du produit

This classic Ayurvedic preparation combines the detoxifying and rejuvenating actions of triphala with the deeply penetrating and cleansing actions of guggulu. Triphala Guggulu effectively decongests the channels of the body and scrapes away toxins held within the tissues. It is particularly useful for weight management as it enkindles the digestive fire, promotes healthy metabolism and releases excess kapha from the system. Used preventatively, Triphala Guggulu minimizes the accumulation of toxins in the body, blood and joints by supporting proper digestion and elimination.

Triphala guggulu helps remove toxins which can lead to joint pain, arthritic conditions, muscle aches, and rheumatism. It can be useful for weight loss if used with proper exercise and an appropriate diet. It reduces Vata and Kapha doshas and is a powerful rejuvenator of the digestive system.

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