• Kashmir Road Near PSO CNG Station
  • Sialkot, Punjab, 51310
  • პაკისტანი
  • ტელ:92-52-4297533
  • ფაქსი:92-52-4297533
  • Url:

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Dear Sir,

Good Morning!

We supply good quality Sporting Goods, Fitness Apparel and Accessories and industrial Work Apparel for the worldwide customer base. We have a panel of experts who take care of the productions and have special QA and QC section to assure quality of the products we manufacture at our factory premises.

We offer our brands to the worldwide distributors and wholesalers and also offer manufacturing facilities to multinationals and other private firms. We feel much pleasure to work with any company in a friendly environment.

We look forward to recieve a querry from your office!

Best Wishes!

Arslan Khawaja

Chairman and CEO,

Khuzdar Industries

Sialkot Pakistan

Cell: 00923224819380

Facebook: "Powerlifiting Gear"

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