• 4F, WooriTG Bldg. , 1593, Sangam-dong
  • Mapo-Gu, Seoul, 153-803
  • Corea del Sud
  • Tel:82-2-21025139
  • Fax:82-2-21025135
  • Url:

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KMC Robotics INC. has been developed and produced education equipment for vivid presentation of electrics, electronics, and robot control technology since the establishment on 1998. In the meantime, numerous education equipments, such as 8051, 80196, AVR, PIC, DSP, etc were on market, and various application program and ROM emulation S/W for customized programs have been supplied. In addition, numerous intelligent robot platforms like humanoid, 6-legged walking robot, snake robot, facial expression robot, musical instrument playing robots, etc including specialized sensor and network device are introduced.

Robot education equipment and educational robot platform

Based on the strength in microprocessor education equipment, new robot practice equipment with state-of-the-art technology has been developed, and been lead the industry.

RD focused company 'customized technical service'

RD center has accumulated the system know-how that can provide quickly and precisely the customer needed product through several years of experiences. For keeping up technical expertise, core robotic technologies such as visual and voice recognition, 3D simulation etc

are obtained via academic-industrial collaboration.

One education equipment + One text + One curriculum

Text, curriculum, user manual, etc that are optimized to specific product, and they will satisfy

teacher and student at the same time. KMC also participates the making of certified textbook

for robot in technical high school.

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