에 대한 검색 결과 : 테이블 피복

발견 4 회사

Competent Home was established as a home furnishings company in India in 1972 and has been exporting to USA and Canada since 1989. Our traditional business model is based on manufacturing floor... 자세히보기 »
  • 카펫, 수제 | 양탄자 | 담요 | 테이블 리넨 | 커튼 | 테이블 피복 | 제조 업체 | 식탁 매트, 플라스틱 또는 섬유...
  • Panipat
  • 인도
Kunshan Jiehong Nonwoven Product Co., Ltd., established in the year of 2001, is a specialized manufacturer of nonwoven medical items, such as surgical gowns, isolation gowns, surgical drapes, table... 자세히보기 »
  • 의복 | 테이블 피복
  • Kunshan
  • 중국