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Ignition lances, blast furnace gas
Heat treatment furnaces
Charging equipment and hoists for cupola furnaces
Chargers, automatic, for cupola furnaces
Spark guards for cupola furnaces
Trolleys and wagons, charging, for blast furnaces
Tip wagons for ore and coke, blast furnace
Loading skips, blast furnace
Wagon dischargers, blast furnace
Gantries for foundries
Conveyors, burden charging, for blast furnaces
Ore conveyors, foundry
Roller conveyors, foundry
Furnace top hoppers or cones for blast furnaces
Furnace top charge distributors
Ladles and trolleys, casting and slagging, for blast furnaces
Taphole drills
Clay gun machines for blast furnaces
Probes, blast furnaces
Profilometers, blast furnace