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On this global, there 66 billion peoples are living on and 5 billion vehicles running on the roads over all country cities, this condition will be more serious day after days regardless any countries.

Advantages of those vehicles parking system facilities are being to do effective at limited lands spaces for vehicles parking due to maximize to do cars parking numbers toward to upright or underground.

Coming up nowadays that fixed to do first provide parking system before construction of the apartment or privates houses by its government from set by law priority.

It made to influence when first constructions integrated drawing at first.

Sorts of parking system is protean like kaleidoscopic following sites condition or situation or functionally and various reasons.

In usually it provided to

(1) Stack type Parking system,

(2) Cart-Type,

(3) Tower-Type,

(4) Puzzle-Type

(5) Vertical-Type and

(6) Mini-Rotary type. On top of those types parking system that there asked on to mix together along the main construction condition such like Cart type with Puzzle type or Free parking type with Tower typed etc.

It also wavable following used to the public purposes or for building or private building or for his employee purposes or registered peoples only in his (Their) personal building so on forth.

We dare to recommend you for firstly checking points with below informs when you considering a certain vehicles parking system before you ask a vehicles parking facility to us.

(8-1).What types of parking system do you want to install at your current consider site or your client (Parking lot)?

(8-2).How many cars do you want to do parked in this site or and your clients demanding?

(8-3).How many cars want to park in future on your forecasting at this parking lots site?

(8-4).Are you ready a drawing for this parking lots facility? If not, could you show us (Send) a figure of the sizes of the cross and length after checked physically?

(8-5). Is it must be allow to parked SUV, RV with the common cars together on this parking system?

If yes, the heights condition must be over 2.5m (2,500mm) in min between bottoms to ceiling which every spaces (parking room-space) and it asked on to early information those condition as whether it over 2.5m by 5m longer when above mention vehicle parked ?

(8-6).What the condition of heaviest for every kinds vehicle weights (In Max) in this parking system facility in future?

(8-7). Is this parking system for the commercial (Paid fees parking) or personal purpose?

(8-8). Is this parking system will be placed on the ground or underground in a building in the apartment or commercial buildings?

Finally, what and where is the gateways of cars in and our direction?

However, there (You) ready or already all above necessary things, it can changeable and recommendable to another typed parking system after examine who our engineers eyes (Analyze) after look around because sometime it never be suit to see an engineer eyes.

And next pass us thru kd5758(at)vehicleparkingfacility.com our e-mail what your opinions and question, please.

However there (You) ready or provided already all above things, it can changeable and recommendable to another typed parking system after examine by look around who our engineers eyes (Analyze) because it never be suit for those who your clients environment or effectiveness than your considering currently.

And next pass us thru our e-mail what your opinions and question, please.

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