
  • 48 Gorton Rd
  • Millville, New Jersey, 08332
  • Vereinigte Staaten
  • Telefon:1-609-780-0840
  • Telefax:1-609-780-0840
  • Web:



We are packers of canned and frozen seafood including clams, top shell, conch. We also fry clams, scallops, crab cakes and can fry other types of seafood and vegetables. We also co-pack marinated clams and shrimp products and IQF clam meat.

We are the largest clam hand shucking company in the US. We specialize in high quality seafood products and sand free clam meat. The competition cannot produce a quality product as we can.

We own and operate our own fleet of fishing vessels. We also repair, operate and manage other fishing vessels.

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