
  • Grindstigen 6
  • Nynäshamn, Stockholm, 14945
  • Sweden
  • Tel:+46 8 771 18 80
  • Fax:+46 8 771 18 87
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L.A.N.Z.O. Sweden AB is a provider of products and services such as calibration services, flow,gas or oxygen depletion sensors,testing equipment, pressure of portable fire extinguishers,pressure testing equipment,monitoring systems, pressure,atmospheric electricity monitoring equipment,barometers,barometers, test bench,barometers, recording,barographs,meteorographs,dew gauges, dew point indicators, meteorological,evaporimeters, meteorological,hygrometers,hygrometers, recording (hygrographs), meteorological,hygrometers, alarm,thermo-hygrographs,barohydrographs,barothermohygrographs,rain gauges,rainfall alarms, meteorological,rain collectors, meteorological,snow gauges,snowfall alarms, meteorological,haze meters/transmissometers, meteorological,actinometers, meteorological,sunshine recorders, meteorological,pyranometers/solarimeters,pyrgeometers,lightning detection systems,lightning flash location systems,storm location equipment,wind speed meters (anemometers) and indicators,anemometers, recording (anemographs),sensors and indicators, ground wind velocity,wind direction indicators,cloud direction and speed indicating and recording equipment,cloud rangefinders,nephoscopes,lidar (light detecting and ranging) systems (laser),ceilometers,tide gauges (marigraphs), meteorological,atmospheric ionisation measuring instruments,airborne dust samplers, fall-out samplers,visibility monitoring devices, meteorological,balloons, meteorological,meteorological parachutes,weather stations, portable,weather stations, mobile,weather stations, fixed,weather stations, independent,map plotting/spotting instruments and equipment,barometric transmitting instruments,meteorological data transmission equipment,meteorological data acquisition equipment, computerised,receiving stations and equipment, meteorological data,radio transmission equipment, meteorological,radio telemetry equipment, meteorological,gauges, pressure, indicating and recording,gauges, pressure, precision,gauges, pressure, electric and electronic,gauges, pressure, illuminated, alarm,gauges, pressure gauge calibrating,manometers, inclined,manometers, single column,manometers, u-tube, two column and two liquid types,manometers, multi-tube,manometers, portable,micro-manometers,gauges, absolute pressure,gauges, positive pressure,gauges, differential pressure,pressure gauge tubes,pressure gauge calibration benches,gauges, ionisation/vacuum ionisation,gauges, compound, pressure and vacuum,pressure gauges, oil well,pressure gauges, precision, for laboratories and the chemical industry,gauge pressure and vacuum alarms,pressure gauge protection devices,pressure gauges for bottled gases,pressure gauges for refrigerating fluids,pressure gauges for polymers,manostats,gauges, draught,pressure standards, dead-weight,gas pressure adjusting systems, gas production plant,pressure regulators for food industry equipment,pressure dampers for pressure gauges,pressure regulators and reducers, air,pressure regulators and reducers, liquids,pressure regulators, diaphragm operated,pressure regulators and reducers, gas,pressure regulators, electronic,pressure regulators, manual,gauges, vacuum,pressure switches, refrigeration plant.

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