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Operation of a sewage plant
Sewerage management services
Sewage treatment services
Sewage services
Treatment services of septic tanks
Treatment services of cesspools and septic tanks
Sludge services
Sludge-transport services
Sludge-treatment services
Sewage-treatment services
Sewage-disposal services
Sewage-removal and treatment services
Operation of a water-purification plant
Water demineralisation services
Water desalination services
Waste water recycling
Water treatment
Utilities, waste management
Upsetting services, iron and steel
Casting services, vacuum induction melted steel
Casting services, precision, stainless steel
Sewer pipes
Pipes and tubes, ferrous, for sewage
Pipes, plastic, for sewage
Sewage chambers
Sewerage works equipment
Effluent treatment plant, grain mills and distilleries
Effluent treatment plant, agricultural
Effluent treatment plant, waste fibre recovery
Effluent treatment plant, waste ink and starch recovery
Effluent treatment plant, recovery of hydrocarbons
Effluent treatment plant, dyes
Effluent treatment plant, marine
Effluent treatment plant, paper industry
Effluent treatment plant, wood processing industry
Water and sewage treatment equipment
Drying equipment for refuse
Textile waste processing
Waste-treatment plant
Constructions water-cleaning for industry
Constructions water-cleaning for urban water channels
Water treatment facilities
Water purification unit
Activities related to waste water
Equipment sewage treatment
Sewer grates
Storm collector equipment
Water conservation services
Water conservation, production
Water treatment, management plant
Water and sewage, companies, utility
Water and sewage companies
Waste water treatment
Sewerage systems
Sewage, treatment equipment
Sewage disposal systems
Centrifugal purifiers