• 4040 Murray Valley Hwy , Robinvale Irrigation
  • District Section B, Victoria, 3549
  • অস্ট্রেলিয়া
  • টেলিফোন:0438 264 295
  • ফ্যাক্স: ---.---.-----
  • ইউআরএল:

মুখ্য পৃষ্ঠা


Lazzara Grapes is proudly a family-run business that offers quality Australian grapes for the public. When you support our business you are supporting a business that employs locals and helps to boost our economy. We have dozens of variations of grapes and maintain a very high standard of product quality, both in terms of our farming methods and sustainability, as well as how we deliver it to customers. If you are interested in becoming a seller of our grapes, please get in touch with us. For more information on our Australian table grapes see our website.

আরো পড়ুন »


Lazzara Grapes updated social links

Lazzara Grapes updated address

Our new location address:

4040 Murray Valley Hwy , Robinvale Irrigation, District Section B, Victoria, 3549, অস্ট্রেলিয়া

Lazzara Grapes updated website

Visit our website @ http://www.lazzaragrapes.com.au/