
  • Agios Athanasios-Industrial area
  • Thessaloniki, Thessalía, 57003
  • Grèce
  • Tél:30-2310-701606
  • Fax: ---.---.-----
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"LEDRA AGROCHEMICALS" is the Leader on the production of High Technology Fertilizers. For more than 30 years we supply the European and the global market with more than 230 fertilizers registered in E.C.

"LEDRA AGROCHEMICALS" is honoured with the International Europe Award for Quality on 1991 -at the 5th competition in Madrid, Spain; with the International Trophy for Quality on 1994 at the XXIV competition in Madrid, Spain; and the International Award for Technology and Quality on 1996 at the XVII competition in Vienna.


Compound granular fertilizers NPK with trace elements (micro nutrients) and magnesium.

Chemical granular fertilizers NPK with trace elements enriched with Humic Organic Compounds coming from Leonardit which is the most rich and pure form of Organic Material. Big variety of synthesis.

Organic chemical fertilizers with trace elements in solid form Dense Liquid Organic Humic Fertilizers, the densest humic product in International market.

Soil conditioners, Humic Products for Soil Reforming.

Fertilizers for Top Dressing, enriched with Bio-inhibitors (inhibitors of nitrogen releasing) !

High technology products of Magnesium, Iron, Zinc or Boron

Calcium Fertilizers

Crystalline water soluble fertilizers of high quality, enriched with trace-elements and vitamins, aminoacids.

Dense Liquid fertilisers (Liquid Calcium Nitrate, Magnesium Nitrate, etc.)

Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizers of triple type of Nitrogen enriched with various trace-elements (30-40%N).

Organic Liquid fertilisers enriched with various chemical elements

Nutrient Serum against VIRUS (viral) Disease, disorders

Nutrient Serum that accelerates the growth of the plant, forces the blooming, brings off a premature ripening, gains an early crop production of high quality.

Nutrient Serum that provides an extremely effective way of resistance against the

Frost injuries.

A mixture of Aminoacids. Contains the 90% of the already known aminoacids.

Nutrient Serum for the total and immediate recovery of soils from high salinity (Salts content)

Product for the formation of humus in the soil. It can transform the plant residues (after the harvest) into high quality humus that will be available for use for the next season.

Chelate Iron and Chelate Zinc products with Nitrogen.

Fertilizers for Organic Farming produced according to the E.C. Regulations. Granular and Liquid products containing nutrient elements required for plant growth, for applications on biological crops at organic farming.

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