- Adenine, base and salts
- Adenosine, base and derivatives
- Albumens and related products
- Albumin and related proteins
- Carbohydrates NES
- Casein protein
- Charcoal for eupeptic purposes
- Coccidiostat nicarbazine
- Desaminase and derivatives
- Enzyme preparations
- Enzymes NES
- Ferments, enteric digestive action, and preparations
- Gastric mucoprotein
- Hydrol
- Intrinsic factor
- Lactic ferments (proteins)
- Lactose
- Lipase
- Lysozyme hydrochloride
- Mucoproteins, mucins
- Nisin
- Pancreatin
- Papain
- Pepsin
- Peptides
- Peptones
- Pharmaceutical articles
- Proteinic anabolic preparations
- Proteinic silver
- Trypsin, ribonuclease, desoxyribonuclease
- Xylose