
  • Ikitelli Cad. IMSAN Sanayi Sitesi D Blok No 2
  • Istanbul, 34303
  • Турцыя
  • Тэл:+90-212-6969969
  • Факс:+90-212-6960108
  • Адрас:

Аб нас


Ligas Textile has been professionally serving to the Turkish textile sector since the year 1983. Ligas textile started to the production of beltundercoat and bije cutting services in 1997 and it also began to the production of these machines. Its aim is to show the meaning of power and prove its high performance with is clever designs and high technology. It has been succeeding this with its day by day getting more customers. The pleasure of the customer comes first in Ligas Machine. In this way the best machines which the sector needs are being produced. It provides the best service and use of the produced machines for long years. You can get the best service through its educated and trained stuff who are the experts on these machines which it produced. You get the best service on time through its professional service personnel. The machines that are produced by Ligas Machine not only with its performance but also with its high technology can be used for many years. Ligas Machine is a cooperated (common) product of the right design and the best quality of the parts. If you are looking for the perfect one your choice will be Ligas Machine.

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