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Little Atlas Preschool is always about children.
It is not unfamiliar that Singapore has an achievement-driven academic culture; when a child attains straight ‘A’s in school, it calls for a celebratory dinner or awarding material prizes. More often than not, many parents emphasize more on their children’s academic achievement and surviving school rather than what helps their children learn with passion and true joy. In fact, little or no preschools in Singapore advocate for the happiness of children in their curriculum pedagogy. Why not? In reality, when children are happy, they learn better, build better relationships and ultimately grow to become a better person. Children would go to great lengths just to play and experience happiness, don’t we agree?
It may seem impractical to many parents and even educators, with some challenging our philosophy. But we have proven case studies and track records that happy children indeed have better learning trajectories and more positive emotions. They go on to become socially-eloquent contributors towards our society. This is the reason why Little Atlas Preschool adopts a reflection-centered and play-focused curriculum, empowering little minds to discover more about themselves, society and their environment.