O nás
You might wonder who we are, or how we ever came to be involved in this kind of business. We started out as a small group of women who all went through childbirth together. Some of us continued and had more children after our first, and some stuck with just the one. Being the close, friendly women that we are, we continued to discuss our sex lives often with each other. Some of us had begun to have complaints about our vaginas which we weren’t sure how to resolve. Sex just wasn’t what it used to be for some of us, and our partners had begun to notice. We’d often talk about what we could do to regain our lost sexual pleasure. Then one of us had the lightbulb moment of discovering the pelvic floor muscles. We found that we could rejuvenate our vaginas to some of their youthful tightness and regain some of our lost sexual sensitivity. That was when the loveball journey began.
We began by simply performing kegel routines, but before long, we’d started to investigate other solutions. That’s when we found kegel balls. We tried them and after a couple of months, we were all having great sex once more. Our confidence was restored, and we were happier than ever. It didn’t end there though.
We were convinced that these were such great tools, but we’d had such a struggle finding them in the first place. We were recommending them to everyone we knew, but we wanted to spread the word more. We wanted women all over the world to be able to experience the joy and happiness brought by a tight vagina, and a great sex life. Loveballs was born from this mission. It has taken several years of hard and stressful work, but now loveballs is growing stronger every day.
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