
  • Zymierskiego 40
  • Jastrowie, Wielkopolskie, 64-915
  • Poľsko
  • Tel:48-67-2662052
  • Fax:48-67-2662407
  • Url:

O nás


The Polish Ostrich Farm MAAD is a young company, which deals with breeding ostriches, making products of ostrich meat and selling them on the Polish Market. However, we are very interested in distributing this stuff on the European Market. Due to this fact we would like to describe more our business.

Our farm is placed in a small village Rudna, on the beautiful countryside. You can find there plenty of wood, which cause that the air is really good. There is also a fishing pound and a river, which keep whole ecological system in good condition. This causes that the local agro-tourism is developed well, and our farm is visited and admired very often.

Our farm has started since April 2002 and has got many buildings such as a hatchery and an incubatory, which are professional equipped. We own seven ostrich families(one family contains 1 male and 2 female ostriches), which are kept indoors as well as outdoors. Apart from adult ostrich breeding we breed 72 young ostriches at the age between 5 and 10 months. It is needed to say that all of our animals are fed with no genetically modified feeds. Every ostrich has a certificate for origin and is examined by a vet.

Moreover we deal with food processing industry and selling our food products, ostrich meat, carcasses(frozen or not), eggs, salted hides and feathers.

You should get to know ostrich meat is extremely healthy. Because of low contents of fat(0.9% per 100g) it is suitable for people suffer from an obesity or a disease like diabetes, arteriosclerosis, etc. Thanks on high contents of protein(21.70% per 100g) and low energy value(92 kcal per 100g), this meat is really good for people wanted to lose weight or simply be on a tasty and healthy diet. So, we would like to give everyone the opportunity to improve his/her lifestyle and deliver ostrich meat to wild rang of customers.

So, we are interested in exporting our products onto European markets.

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