
  • 49, Canal El-Mahmoudia St., Karmouz
  • Moharram Bey,Alexandria
  • Egypt
  • Tel: ---.---.-----
  • Fax: ---.---.-----
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About Us


Mahmoudia Engineering Works is a provider of products and services such as condensers, inedible oil and fat production,decorticators, oilseed, inedible oil production,oilseed crushing plant, inedible oil production,melting plant, industrial oil and fat production,presses, inedible oil production,extraction plant, animal fat from abattoir waste, industrial use,extraction plant, inedible vegetable oil production,filtration plant and equipment, inedible oil and fat production,filter presses, inedible oil and fat production,drying plant and equipment, inedible oil and fat production,evaporators, vacuum, inedible oil and fat production,heating plant and equipment, inedible oil processing,cooling plant, inedible oils and fats,hydrogenation plant, inedible oil processing,refining plant and equipment, inedible fats and oils,neutralisation plant, inedible oils and fats,deodorising plant, inedible oils and fats,palm oil, inedible, production and processing plant,linseed oil, inedible, production and processing plant,coconut oil, inedible, production and processing plant,peanut/groundnut oil, inedible, production and processing plant,lubricating grease production plant and equipment,lubricating oil production plant and equipment,stand oil production plant,regeneration plant, industrial mineral oil,inedible oil processing plant, complete,separators, inedible oil and fat processing,cleaning equipment, oilseed, inedible oil production,centrifuges, inedible oil and fat processing.

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