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Won first prize in the 2012 Good Company Awards!!

We have made a new start as MG group, consisting of 3 brands: Marukan, Nisso and Sunrise.

Marukan handles products for dogs and cats, small animals, insects and birds. Nisso handles aquarium tanks and other accessories. Sunrise, better known as Gonta, handles dog food products.

Unified under the MG group, we strive to be an all-round pet products manufacturer, as well as to expand the pet industry.

Pets are precious members of any family. They are irreplaceable life partners who bring happiness into our lives.

Therefore, we consider it our mission to help pet owners with the health care of their pets so that they may lead a long, healthy and happy life.

Through the products and services that the MG group now provides, we aim to expand our existing market, and make our industry be known as "the healing industry"which enriches the world..

We are proud of a wide range of products, not only for dogs and cats, but also insects and aquarium fish. In addition, we persevere in dealing with live animals such as insects and other small animals. Co-existing with pets in our everyday lives, and then knowing our pets, we believe that we can develop products which are essential for pets. Through this, we have also learned the value of life.

The MG group has its own factory in Japan developing unique products. In order to deliver safe and viable products, we give top priority to maintaining the quality with uncompromising standards and then go even further.

The trust from customers is our delight. The MG group continues to provide you satisfaction and a sense of thoughtfulness which only we can create.

Representative President


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