• 694-30, Suechomashidume
  • Mizunami-Shi, Gifu, 5096361
  • 일본
  • 전화:81-0572-653659
  • 팩스:81
  • URL:

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At the present time we have 2 stores in Tokyo and 1 store in Kobe, and sell tableware for restaurants for business use and general families. In addition, We deal with the made-to-order tableware along the demand of the . I produce a customer.mug cup or a dish from small lot.

We sell tableware for business use to a domestic hotel and restaurant. In addition, there is the business experience with the major advertising agency, and there are adoption experience many of the novelty goods to the campaign that a major company sponsors.

The sophisticated tableware which can feel JAPANIZUMODAN is made its strong point. The system that you can meet the customer's demands from a little lot is being arranged. Please inquire a trivial thing by all means.

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